The Five Senses PowerPoint Lesson
Download this five senses PowerPoint lesson and use it in class today. This free PPT is for teaching the five senses in English. Students will learn the names of the five senses (see, hear, smell, taste, and touch) and will learn the parts of the body that are used for these senses. Students will also be asked to make sentences and talk about the five senses in English.
Five Senses PowerPoint
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The Five Senses
Jul 17, 2014
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The Five Senses. By: Mackenzie McCrory Lab 14. Introduction. The Five Senses PowerPoint is intended for learning/review use only. It will cover body parts that pertain to each sense. Intended to be educational. How to Play. Play/Go On Go Back Home/Menu. M.E.N.U. STUDENTS.
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- superficial depressor
- taste touch
- nail matrix
- oval shape thing
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The Five Senses By: Mackenzie McCrory Lab 14
Introduction • The Five Senses PowerPoint is intended for learning/review use only. • It will cover body parts that pertain to each sense. • Intended to be educational.
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M.E.N.U. STUDENTS Teachers/Parents
Audience The audience for this Five Senses PowerPoint is for children in 1st grade. The students can do this by themselves after learning about The Five Senses.
Learning Environment 1st grade children will do this activity and quiz on computers at home or at school. This activity will be attached to the teacher’s home page on his/her website.
Objectives Given the quiz at the end of the PowerPoint, students will be able to identify the body part that is associated with the sense and read the fun facts to answer the quiz question with 80% correct accuracy.
Instructional Activities • Orientation – the PowerPoint will test the students about the Five Senses they learned in class • Motivation – learning about the five senses by watching Youtube clip • Information – fun facts given about each sense • Application – diagram and explanation of each body part • Evaluation – quiz question given at the end of the information
Get Ready! Today, you will be learning about the five different senses. You should already know a little bit about them from class this week! We use our senses everyday! Think about how many times you smell dinner cooking, touch a crayon, hear your friends talking, see your family, or taste yummy treats! Get ready! Here we go!
VIDEOS! *Click on either the Video Recorder to watch the movie, or the Song Notes to listen to the song!
SIGHT! • Eyes are used when you want to look at something, like a dog or your friends. • The eye has many parts to help it function.
SIGHT: ACTIVITY! Cornea Retina Pupil Iris Optic Nerve Lens
SIGHT VOCABULARY • Cornea: outside covering of the iris (or color part of your eye)
SIGHT VOCABULARY • Pupil: opening of the iris (or colored part) where light shines through
SIGHT VOCABULARY • Iris: the colored part of youreye
SIGHT VOCABULARY • Lens: helps your eyes to focus the light being shined in
SIGHT VOCABULARY • Retina: area in the back of the eye that puts the things you see into secret codes for the brain
SIGHT VOCABULARY • Optic nerve: the eye’s nerve that sends images from the eye to the brain
SIGHT FACTS! • The pupil changes sizes depending on the amount of light entering the eye. • There are 130 million light-sensitive cells in one eye ball! • Images are seen upside down to the brain! • 1 in 30 people are affected with color blindness.
SMELL! • Your nose is used to smell different odors and smells like chocolate chip cookies. • The nose has many different tissues inside of it.
SMELL: ACTIVITY! Nasal Bone Lateral Alar Ligament Alar Cartilage Columella Cartilage Elastic Tissue Superficial Depressor Septi Muscle OrbicularisOris Muscle
SMELL VOCABULARY • Alar cartilage: cartilage (or hard skin like bone) that forms tip of your nose
SMELL VOCABULARY • Columella cartilage: the bone that divides your nostrils
SMELL VOCABULARY • Nasal bone: rectangular bone that forms partof your nose that is between your eyes
SMELL VOCABULARY • Lateral alar ligament: ligaments (or group of tissue) that attach to yourforehead
SMELL VOCABULARY • Elastic tissue: tissue that supports ligaments (group of tissues) and bones
SMELL VOCABULARY • Superficial depressor septi muscle: a muscle that draws your nose downward
SMELL VOCABULARY • Orbicularisoris muscle: muscle that connects nose to lips
SMELL FACTS! • You can tell the difference between 4,000-10,000 smells! • As you grow older, your sense of smell gets worse! • Odors float upward (not downward!) through the nose! • Nose’s pathways gets warmer further back in the canals.
TOUCH! • The sense of touch is used by the whole body, but is commonly used by the fingers. • The finger has many things that help it to feel different touches.
TOUCH: ACTIVITY Nail Root Cuticle Nail Plate Nail Matrix Distal Edge Of Nail Plate Hyponychium Nail Bed
TOUCH VOCABULARY • Nail plate: thin growing nail on the upper side of your finger
TOUCH VOCABULARY • Cuticle: nonliving skin surrounding your nail
TOUCH VOCABULARY • Hyponychium: the fingertip’s skin under the edge of the nail
TOUCH VOCABULARY • Nail bed: skin that is under nail
TOUCH VOCABULARY • Nail root: point where the nail starts to grow
TOUCH VOCABULARY • Nail matrix: grooves (or tiny scratches) on the nail
TOUCH VOCABULARY • Distal edge of nail plate: nail tip
TOUCH FACTS! • Some of the sections of skin are more sensitive than others! • The body organ used for touching is skin! • Our sense of touch shows us the shape, size, and “feel” of our world! • The brain analyzes each touch, which signals the body to react.
HEARING! • The ear is the organ used for hearing. • The ear is made of different structures to perform its hearing task.
HEARING: ACTIVITY! Outer Ear Ear Drum Inner Ear Ear Canal Middle Ear Eustachian tube
HEARING VOCABULARY • Outer ear: the area that collects the different sounds you hear
HEARING VOCABULARY • Middle ear: part of the ear where the sound goes to reach the eardrum
HEARING VOCABULARY • Inner ear: portion of ear that helps you to hear and balance
HEARING VOCABULARY • Ear drum: tiny oval shape thing that separates the middle ear from the outer ear
HEARING VOCABULARY • Ear canal: a narrow tube-like passage where sound enters
HEARING VOCABULARY • Eustachian tube: tube that connects middle ear to the back of yourmouth
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The 5 senses.
Published by Maud Perry Modified over 8 years ago
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Feb 27, 2015 · The document discusses the five senses - sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch. It explains that humans and animals use their senses to notice different things in their environment. Each sense is then defined, such as sight being used for seeing shapes, colors and sizes, smell being used for detecting nice and horrible smells, and touch being ...
Download this five senses PowerPoint lesson and use it in class today. This free PPT is for teaching the five senses in English. Students will learn the names of the five senses (see, hear, smell, taste, and touch) and will learn the parts of the body that are used for these senses.
Apr 10, 2011 · This document discusses the five senses - hearing, smelling, tasting, seeing, and touching. For each sense, it asks what the reader can hear, smell, taste, see, or touch, and provides examples of sounds, smells, tastes, sights, and textures that the reader may be familiar with.
Its captivating, character-based illustrations are perfect for explaining the wonders of the five senses to Elementary, Middle School, or even Pre-school learners. It’s apt for biology lessons, school presentations, or project presentation on the interesting topic of anatomy.
Oct 31, 2019 · The Five Senses. The Five Senses. By: Patricia Crispin Humble: Quest 2. OUR 5 SENSES. Pre-K and Kindergarten. We all have five sense Each sense helps us identify different objects Every sense is unique. SNIFF…. We use our NOSE to smell…. What else can you smell?. Listen…. We can hear with our EARS. 496 views • 8 slides
Feb 2, 2017 · This document discusses the 5 senses - sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. It describes the organ associated with each sense and some of its functions. It includes questions about using different senses and activities to label senses and write sentences using them. Students are asked to reflect on their favorite sense. Read less
Use this teaching resource in the classroom when introducing the five senses: sight; touch; smell; taste; hear. This PowerPoint Presentation includes a description of each of the five senses, an independent activity for each, and a culminating activity at the end.
Jul 17, 2014 · The Five Senses. By: Mackenzie McCrory Lab 14. Introduction. The Five Senses PowerPoint is intended for learning/review use only. It will cover body parts that pertain to each sense. Intended to be educational. How to Play. Play/Go On Go Back Home/Menu. M.E.N.U. STUDENTS.
Food and the Senses Unit 2 p Vocabulary 1.sense 2.smell 3.taste 4.tongue 5.sight 6.hearing 7. touch 8. strange 9. wet 10. dry 11. salt. What are your 5 senses? By: Emily Cranmer Sight is an important sense.
Sep 12, 2007 · This document discusses the five senses - hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting, and feeling. It provides a brief description of each sense, including what part of the body is used and some examples of how each sense is used. It also asks the reader questions about their favorite sounds, smells, tastes, and textures to touch. Read less