50 Great Book Club Discussion Questions For Any Book
The best book club discussion questions are open-ended and unique. Here are 50 of the best questions, along with a printable list.
Teresa Preston
Since 2008, Teresa Preston has been blogging about all the books she reads at Shelf Love . She supports her book habit by working as a magazine editor at a professional association in the Washington, DC, area, which is (in)conveniently located just a few steps from a used bookstore. When she’s not reading or editing, she’s likely to be attending theatre, practicing yoga, watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer again, or doting on her toothless orange cat, Anya. Twitter: @teresareads
View All posts by Teresa Preston
I’ve been in a lot of book clubs, and I know it’s not always easy to get a conversation going on a book. I’ve found that the best book club discussion questions are ones that are open-ended and that get people to share their personal opinions. If you’re ready to start a book club , here are 50 of the best book club questions, for fiction and nonfiction alike. Find a printable list to bring to your meeting here !
How did I create this list of book club discussion questions?
Simply put, I’ve assembled a list of the kinds of questions that are likely to get people talking. Most of these are non-specific and designed to work for any book. Although, of course, some will work better than others for particular books).
I’ve also included a few questions that are meant for specific types of books, like fiction or nonfiction. Just pick and choose the discussion questions that work best for you and your book group, and get the conversation going! Bring the printable questions along for help.
General Book Club Discussion Questions
1. What did you like best about this book?
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2. What did you like least about this book?
3. What other books did this remind you of?
4. Which characters in the book did you like best?
5. Which characters did you like least?
6. If you were making a movie of this book, who would you cast?
7. Share a favorite quote from the book. Why did this quote stand out?
8. What other books by this author have you read? How did they compare to this book?
9. Would you read another book by this author? Why or why not?
10. What feelings did this book evoke for you?
11. What did you think of the book’s length? If it’s too long, what would you cut? If too short, what would you add?
12. What songs does this book make you think of? Create a book group playlist together!
13. If you got the chance to ask the author of this book one question, what would it be?
14. Which character in the book would you most like to meet?
15. Which places in the book would you most like to visit?
16. What do you think of the book’s title? How does it relate to the book’s contents? What other title might you choose?
17. What do you think of the book’s cover? How well does it convey what the book is about? If the book has been published with different covers, which one do you like best?
18. What do you think the author’s purpose was in writing this book? What ideas was he or she trying to get across?
19. How original and unique was this book?
20. If you could hear this same story from another person’s point of view, who would you choose?
21. What artist would you choose to illustrate this book? What kinds of illustrations would you include?
22. Had you heard about the book before starting it? Do you think it was overhyped or should be celebrated more?
Book Club Discussion Questions for Fiction
23. Did this book seem realistic?
24. How well do you think the author built the world in the book?
25. Did the characters seem believable to you? Did they remind you of anyone?
26. Did the book’s pace seem too fast/too slow/just right?
27. If you were to write fanfic about this book, what kind of story would you want to tell?
28. Was the pacing— beginning, middle, and end— done well?
29. Which other character would have made an interesting protagonist?
30. Did the characters’ motives seem reasonable or a little far-fetched?
31. Sometimes books start off strong, but have endings that fall a little flat. Then there are books that are a little hard to get into at first, but are enjoyable after a while. How did you find this one?
32. If there were any twists or big reveals, how believable were they?
33. How did the setting progress the story?
34. Was there symbolism present? If so, what did you think of the message the author was trying to convey?
Book Club Questions for Nonfiction
35. What did you already know about this book’s subject before you read this book?
36. What new things did you learn?36. What questions do you still have?
38. What else have you read on this topic, and would you recommend these books to others?
39. What do you think about the author’s research? Was it easy to see where the author got his or her information? Were the sources credible?
40. Conveying research in a way that’s understandable and enjoyable to read for non-experts can be a challenge. How well do you feel the author did this? What do you think of their writing style?
Discussion Questions for Memoir
41. What aspects of the author’s story could you most relate to?
42. How honest do you think the author was being?
43. What gaps do you wish the author had filled in? Were there points where you thought he shared too much?
44. Think about the other people in the book besides the author. How would you feel to have been depicted in this way?
45. Why do you think the author chose to tell this story?
Book Club Discussion Questions for Short Story and Essay Collections
46. Which short story/essay did you like best?
47. Which short story/essay did you like least?
48. What similarities do these stories share? How do they tie together?
49. Do you think any of the stories could be expanded into a full-length book?
50. There have been many popular films that have been adapted from short stories. Which of these do you think would be well adapted into a show or movie?
Printable Book Club Questions
Download all of these in an easy book club printable here .
For more book club help, check out puntastic and fun book club names , some of the best book club books for 2022 , and how to start a book club .
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Thought-Provoking & Fun Questions to Ask During a Book Club Meeting
Last Updated: December 13, 2024 Fact Checked
General Book Club Questions
- Banned Books
Leading a Good Discussion
This article was reviewed by Gerald Posner and by wikiHow staff writer, Dev Murphy, MA . Gerald Posner is an Author & Journalist based in Miami, Florida. With over 35 years of experience, he specializes in investigative journalism, nonfiction books, and editorials. He holds a law degree from UC College of the Law, San Francisco, and a BA in Political Science from the University of California-Berkeley. He’s the author of thirteen books, including several New York Times bestsellers, the winner of the Florida Book Award for General Nonfiction, and has been a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in History. He was also shortlisted for the Best Business Book of 2020 by the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources.
Whether you’re leading your next book club sesh or starting your own club, you might want some thought-provoking questions in your back pocket to get the discussion going. That’s where we come in! We’ve assembled some of the most thought-provoking, fun, unexpected, and open-ended book club discussion questions to invigorate your next meet-up, whether you’re reading a classic novel, poetry collection, memoir, thriller, or any other genre—plus, learn how to talk about banned books in your club and our tips for leading a great book club discussion. Tip: Feel free to print this page out so you can have it on hand at your next meeting!
Best Book Club Discussion Questions
- Would you recommend this book to someone else? Why or why not?
- What surprised you most about the book? Why?
- Did you highlight or mark any favorite passages in the book? Which ones and why?
- Who was your favorite character? Which character did you identify with the most?
- Did you enjoy or appreciate the author’s writing style? Was it easy or hard to get into?
- What, if anything, frustrated you about this book, its plot, or its characters?
- Did anything in the book make you feel any particular emotions? Explain.
- Would you recommend this book to someone? Why or why not—or what caveat would you give when recommending the book?
- Who do you think this book is “for”? Why?
- What did you know about this book or its author before reading? Did anything surprise you as you read?
- How did the book make you feel? Did you enjoy it ? Why or why not?
- What classic reading tropes did you see at play in this book (e.g., “enemies to lovers” or “reluctant hero”)? Would you say they were employed in a clever or fresh way, or were they unoriginal? [1] X Research source
- Did you relate to this book or its characters? How or how not?
- Did you mark or highlight any quotes or passages from the book? Did you like a particular quote or quotes? Which ones and why?
- Did anything frustrate or upset you about the book, its author, its plot, or any characters?
- Was there anything you were left confused by and wanted to talk about as a group?
- What were some of your favorite parts from the book? Why did they impact you?
- Consider asking this question at the beginning of the discussion and then again at the end of the discussion, to see if anyone’s mind was changed after hearing the other group members’ thoughts.
- Who is the book’s author and what is their background? How does their history and the context in which the book was written relate to the book?
- What do you think the author’s intention was in writing this book?
- How much do you believe the author’s personal perspectives and values influenced the book? How do you feel about that?
- Have you read anything else by this author? If so, how did this book compare? How was it different? If not, would you like to read more by this author? Why or why not?
- If you could ask this author one question, what would it be?
- What did you think of the author’s writing style? What do you look for in a writing style?
- Was it easy or difficult to follow? Did you find it simple or dense? How long did it take you to get into the book?
- Does difficulty following or getting into a book’s writing have an effect on your enjoyment of the book? Why or why not?
- How did the author employ writing tools like tone, structure, language, or dialogue to tell their story? Was it effective? Why or why not?
- Did the author make use of literary devices to enhance their storytelling? Was it effective?
- How did the author use symbols, imagery, or metaphor to enhance their narrative? Was it effective? Why or why not?
- What did you appreciate or dislike about the author’s writing style? Why?
- How did the author’s style of writing improve upon or detract from the story?
- Do you feel that the author’s writing style suited the book? Why or why not? What, if anything, would you change?
- What, in your opinion, were the central themes of the book? Can you offer examples from the text to support your opinion? How well did the author go about exploring the themes?
- What was the most difficult or challenging part about reading this book? Why? Did you ever want to stop reading this book?
- Did you find the book thought-provoking? Did it change your mind about anything?
- How relevant is this book or its central themes to your own life, or to the world around you?
Fiction Book Club Questions
- What was the primary conflict in the story? How was it resolved?
- How did the author create tension and conflict in the novel? Was it effective?
- What point of view is the story told from? Is it one of the character's perspectives? How does the book's point of view impact the narrative?
- Were you invested in the characters and the story? Why or why not?
- What was the most shocking or unforgettable part of the book?
- What was your favorite scene in the book?
- Were you satisfied with the ending of the book? Why or why not? If not, how would you have ended it?
- If you could change one aspect of this book, what would it be and why? How would it alter the story?
- Is there a movie adaptation of this book? If yes, have you seen it? What did you think of it? How did it compare to the book?
- Who are the book's main characters? How would you describe them?
- How do you think the characters see themselves? How do you see them?
- Why do the characters believe what they believe? Who or what informs their beliefs?
- What types of challenges do the characters have to deal with in the book? How do they deal with them? How would you have dealt with them?
- How is the world in which the characters live similar to or different from the world in which you live?
- Did you ever find yourself judging any of the characters for the choices they made? Where and why? What choices would you have made instead?
- Do you have any advice for any of the characters?
- Who was your favorite character in this book? How come?
- Which character did you find the most interesting or complex? Why?
- How did the characters grow or evolve throughout the story?
- Was the characters’ growth believable? Did their endings feel “earned”?
- How did the secondary characters impact the journey of the main character(s)?
- Which character did you find most relatable? Why?
- Which character did you find most dislikable? Why?
- Which character would be your ideal dinner guest? Why? (Bonus question: What would you serve them?)
- What do you think motivated a character to do what they did?
- Would you say you trusted the characters? Why or why not?
- Were the characters based on real people? If yes, how did that change your perception of them?
- What do you think happens to the characters after the novel ends? Why?
- If you were to make your own movie adaptation of this book, who would you cast to play the characters? Why?
- Did you guess which character committed the crime? If yes, how soon did you figure it out and how did you guess? If no, were you surprised? Who else, if anyone, did you suspect? Why?
- Were you invested in the mystery? Why or why not?
- How did the writer create suspense throughout the book? How did they keep you engaged and curious about the answer to the mystery?
- Did you follow the clues throughout the book? Did they make sense and fit together? Are any questions left unanswered?
- Did you like the main character(s)? Did you find them believable or interesting?
- Were you satisfied by the solution to the puzzle?
- What common mystery themes—like justice, truth, morality, deception, and trust—were explored in this book? Did the author explore them effectively?
- How did the book’s setting and atmosphere contribute to the mood and tone? Did it add to an air of dread, mystery, uncertainty, or disquiet?
- How did the writer create suspense and mystery throughout the book? Were you drawn in? How long did it take you to get into the story? How did the author keep you hooked?
- Were you surprised by any twists or turns the story took? Did you see any twists coming?
- How did you feel about the protagonist(s)? Did you want to offer them any advice about how to face the horrors that they encountered? What would you have said to them?
- If there was a villain in this book, how did you feel about them? Did you find them effectively scary? Did you feel like you understood where they were coming from? Do you wish the author had portrayed them differently?
- How was the novel’s action balanced out by the characters’ emotional or psychological journeys?
- What themes did you see throughout this novel? Did the author explore them well?
- If the novel was supernatural at all, do you believe the supernatural elements served a purpose? Were they done well?
- Did you see any metaphors at play in the horror elements of the novel? If yes, what did you notice?
- Were you satisfied with the end of the book? Why or why not? Were any questions left unanswered? How would you have ended things?
- How did the writer blend historical fact and fiction to write this book? Do you believe the book was accurate and authentic?
- How much did you know about the history that inspired this book before you read it? Did you learn anything new while reading? What, if anything, surprised you?
- Did the author cite any historical sources for this book? Did you find them credible? Did you do any outside research of your own?
- Did this book challenge your opinions of the historical events that inspired the book or the people involved in the events? How or how not?
- Did you find this book, its events, or its characters relatable to your own life? Do you see the themes of the book reflected in society today?
- If you could travel back to the time period in which this book takes place, would you? What would you do there?
- Did you find the romance believable? Why or why not?
- Did you feel the main couple had enough chemistry? Were you hoping they would end up together or not?
- How did the book’s setting and time period contribute to the romance plot? Did the book’s setting seem relevant to the plot? Did it add to the atmosphere or contribute to the challenges the characters dealt with?
- How did you feel about the primary obstacle the couple faced? Was it believable, or did it feel forced?
- What did you think of the secondary characters? Did they contribute to the couple’s romance or the general plot?
- Who was your favorite and least favorite character? Why?
- What do you think happens to the characters after the novel ends?
- What themes—like love, sexuality, family, trust, communication, or identity—did you see explored in the novel?
- How “spicy” did you find this novel? Do you wish it was a little spicier, or a little more G-rated? Why?
- What worldbuilding techniques did the author employ to create their fantasy world? Did they provide any maps, appendices, or glossaries to help you understand it better? Was the world believable and three-dimensional?
- What fantasy elements did the author employ in the book? Did the author do an effective job at explaining how magic functions in this world? Did the magic of the book have a logic that made sense and fit the narrative?
- How, if at all, did the author portray other races or creatures and their history or culture in the book?
- Is the world in which this book takes place the sort of world you’d like to visit or live in? Why or why not?
- If you could be any of the characters in this book, who would you be and why?
- What themes (like heroism, friendship, destiny, or loyalty) did you see explored in this book?
- How did the author create or describe the sci-fi world or scenario in this book? Was it effectively explained or described? Was it believable?
- Did the author employ technological or scientific concepts or ideas to enhance their narrative? Was the narrative plausible? Why or why not?
- How does the world in the book compare to and contrast with our own world? Does the world in the book seem achievable/inevitable? Would you want to live in this world? Why or why not?
- What, if anything, does the book seem to say about our own world and society today? Is the book optimistic or pessimistic about our future? Would you call the book dystopian?
- What did you think of the characters in the book? Were they fleshed out and believable? How do they respond to the situation they’re in? How do you think you would respond if you were them?
- If you could be any of the characters in this book, who would you most want to be? Who would you least want to be? Why?
- Were you satisfied with the book’s ending? Why or why not?
Nonfiction Book Club Questions
- Describe this book in a single sentence. What would you say is the book’s primary purpose or main point?
- What questions, if any, do you have about the book or its subject? Do you feel the book thoroughly covers its subject?
- What did you know about this subject before reading about it? Do you feel the author did this subject justice? Why or why not?
- Do you believe the author did accurate and thorough research in order to write this book? Why or why not?
- Did the author address any gaps in their knowledge? Were their arguments convincing?
- What stood out to you the most while reading this book? How did this book make you feel?
- Did the author bring any of their own biases to this book? How do you think the way they approached this subject reflects their own life, background, opinions, or agenda?
- Did this book challenge you to change your perspective or behavior or take action of some sort? Why or why not?
- How did the author’s writing style engage or persuade you as a reader?
- What did you think of the author’s choices regarding the structure and organization of the book? Were they effective?
- Was the book structured chronologically, thematically, or episodically? How did the author’s choice of structure enhance or detract from their narrative?
- How would you describe the author’s voice and writing style? How did their writing showcase their personality? Would you describe the author as humorous, empathetic, thoughtful, or honest?
- Did you like the author? If you could befriend them in real life, would you want to? Why or why not?
- Were you interested in the narrative the writer was discussing? Why or why not? How did the writer engage you and make you curious about their life?
- What were the main events that shaped the author’s life and the story they wrote about? Did you know anything about this writer or the events they describe before reading this book? Did anything surprise you while reading?
- How did the writer describe the other people in their life in this book? Were they portrayed convincingly? How did the other people in the author’s life influence their own journey?
- What themes do you see explored in this book? For instance, identity, gender, family, religion, career, relationships, sexuality, etc.?
- How did the book end? Were you satisfied with how and where the book concluded? If not, how did you want it to end?
- Did you relate to the experiences described in this book at all? Do you see any connection between the events in the book and society today?
- Did you find the author a reliable narrator or not? Why or why not?
- What do you think the author’s purpose was in sharing this story?
- Who was the subject of this biography? Do you feel the author did a good job of exploring their life and background?
- Did you feel the writer was an authority on the book’s subject? Do you think they did thorough, accurate research in order to write this book?
- What types of sources did the author employ to write this book? Did they use interviews, letters, diaries, photos, documents, first-hand accounts, etc.? Did you find these trustworthy sources?
- What makes the central subject worthy of a biography? Were you invested in their story? Were you invested in the subject before picking up the book, or did the author engage you along the way?
- What were the primary challenges and events that shaped the subject’s life?
- What did you know about the subject before reading this book? Did anything surprise you as you read?
- How did the author explore the subject’s setting and time period in which they lived to enhance the narrative? Do you feel the author created a convincing sense of time, place, and culture?
- Were you satisfied with the author’s approach to this subject? Why or why not?
- What was the primary message of the book? Was it motivating, encouraging, or inspiring? Why or why not?
- What was your favorite section or passage from this book? How come?
- How did you relate this book to your own life and experiences?
- Did this book challenge your way of thinking or inspire you to change your behavior or beliefs in any way?
- How reliable and authoritative do you believe this book and its author(s) are? Do you think the authors have a lot of knowledge of and experience with this subject?
- What questions, if any, do you still have after reading this book?
- Was there any advice or guidance this book offered that you disagreed with or didn’t understand ? What was it?
Poetry Book Club Questions
- How would you describe the poet’s voice in this poem or collection? Poets’ voices are frequently described as impressionistic, narrative, confessional, lyrical, or intimate. Do any of these descriptors seem accurate?
- What do you believe the poet’s purpose was in writing these poems? Were they effective?
- How do you believe the poet’s own life relates to the poems they write?
- Who is this poem’s or collection’s intended audience? Why do you think this?
- Who do you believe is the speaker of the poems? Is it the poet? Is the speaker the same in all the poems?
- Consider inviting members to read passages from their favorite poems to really bring the words to life. After all, poetry is meant to be read aloud! [2] X Research source
- Were there any poems in this collection you disliked or found ineffective? If so, why?
- What would you say are the central themes of the poems in this collection? Do you believe the poet explored them all effectively?
- Did you see yourself or your life represented in any of these poems? Did you particularly relate to any of the poems or the poet? How or how not?
- Do you see any connections between these poems and society today? Can you elaborate?
- Which poem in the collection was the most challenging for you and why?
- Which poem did you find easiest to understand or relate to and why?
Kids' Book Club Questions
- What do you think about the cover for this book? What about the title?
- What is the setting for this book?
- If you wanted to persuade somebody else to read this book without spoiling the ending, what would you tell them? [3] X Research source
- What are you picturing in your mind as you're reading this book? [4] X Research source
- What do you think is going to happen next?
- Is there something you're curious to learn more about as you're reading?
- Would you like to be a part of this story? Why or why not?
- If you could be friends with any character from this book, who would you choose and why?
- Which character in this book is most like you? Why do you say that?
- Which character is least like you? Why do you say that?
- What is one thing you learned from this book?
- Is there anything in this book you want to learn more about? Why?
- What is something you really didn't like about this book? Why?
- Did this book remind you of any other book you've read? Which ones? Why?
- What do you think the author of this book is trying to tell the reader with this story?
- What was the most exciting part of this book? Why?
- If you had to describe what you're reading in 5 words, what would they be?
- Did this book change your mind about something? If yes, what?
- If you were a character in this story, would you make the same choices as they did?
Banned Book Discussion Questions
- Why was this book banned, or why do you think it was banned? Is it banned where you are? Is it banned currently, or was it banned in the past?
- Do you believe the book was banned for valid or understandable reasons? If yes, what are they? If no, why not?
- What is the difference between censoring a book and banning it? [5] X Trustworthy Source American Library Association Oldest library nonprofit association in the world, dedicated to promoting libraries and library education internationally. Go to source
- How do you think censorship and book banning impacts intellectual freedom?
- What ideas or perspectives put forth by this book or its author do you think could be considered controversial and why? Under what contexts are they controversial?
- What bias(es) do you think might have gone into banning this book?
- How would you approach a discussion with someone who thinks this book should be banned or censored? How would you convince them otherwise?
- What other books have been banned for similar reasons as this one?
- Do you think any books should be banned or censored? Why or why not? Are there valid reasons to ban or censor books?
- Consider doing some background research on the book and its author in order to be able to better contextualize what you've read.
- Don't feel like you need to be a total expert. After all, you're not just hosting the club, you're also a member, just like everyone else.
- Open-mindedness: Listen to and respect everyone's perspective.
- Acceptance: Suspend judgment towards other perspectives.
- Curiosity: Seek to understand rather than to persuade.
- Discovery: Question your assumptions and looking for new insights.
- Sincerity: Speak from the heart and from personal experience.
- Brevity: Be mindful of how long you're talking, and give everyone a chance to speak.
- Consider going round-robin to make sure everyone has a chance to share.
- Jumping from one question to the next may make the discussion move too quickly and feel unnatural.
Expert Q&A
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The Ultimate List of Book Club Discussion Questions for Fiction and Non-Fiction
Updated: Oct 01, 2024
Zoe Epstein
Have you ever found yourself in a lackluster book club where the discussion feels forced or superficial? If so, you’re not alone. At Bookclubs, we know meaningful conversation is instrumental to a rewarding book club experience. That's why we provide an online platform for discovering new books and organizing your club's meetings and discussions.
Our ultimate list of book club questions is designed to reinvigorate your book conversations , whether you’re already in a book club or looking to start one. With questions tailored to fiction and nonfiction works across genres, we aim to help you uncover deeper insights, connect with your fellow members on a more personal level, and simply get people talking.
So dive into our hand-picked discussion questions below, and when you're ready to take your book club to the next level, organize your next meeting and manage your club membership with Bookclubs.com or the Bookclubs app . From scheduling meetings and polling members , to tracking books and facilitating discussion with ready-made book club questions , we have all the tools you need to focus on the joy of reading together.
Jump ahead to the table of contents , or scroll down to find:
- Part I: Book club questions for any and all books
- Part II: Fiction book club questions by genre
- Part III: Nonfiction book club questions by genre
This is an extensive list of book club questions, so pick and choose the ones that suit your book and your group best. You can also modify them or add your own questions as you see fit. The important thing is to have fun and enjoy the book and the conversation.
Additional resources:
- If you’re looking for book club questions for a specific book, the best place to start is Bookclubs' Book Club Discussion Guide center , which has tailored guides for hundreds of titles.
- Feeling overwhelmed by all the questions in this post? We’ve highlighted our top 12 favorite questions for any book .
- Want help with more than just discussion questions? Bookclubs has you covered with free tools to manage club membership, schedule meetings, choose books, and more. With Bookclubs’ app or website, you can poll members about meeting times or book choices, get automated calendar invites and meeting reminders, and track what your club has read, is currently reading, or wants to read next. Get your club set up on Bookclubs today !
Table of Contents
Part I: Book club questions for any book
General book club questions
- Questions about the author
- Questions about the writing style
- Questions about the book’s themes
Part II: Fiction book club questions
- General fiction
- Thriller and Horror
- Historical Fiction
- Science Fiction
Part III: Nonfiction book club questions
- General Nonfiction
- Self-help / Personal Development
Bonus Content:
- Printable book club questions PDF
- Discussion Guide Center (tailored book club questions for hundreds of books)
- Discussion questions specific to banned books
- Tips for running any book club discussion
- How to run an online book club discussion
Ready to dive into some amazing book club discussions? Let’s get started with our ultimate book club question guide!
Book club questions for any book
- Would you recommend this book to someone? Why or why not (or with what caveats)?
- What kind of reader would most enjoy this book?
- How much did you know about this book before picking it up? What surprised you the most about the book?
- How thought-provoking did you find the book? Did the book change your opinion about anything, or did you learn something new from it? If so, what?
- How did the book make you feel? Did it evoke any emotions? Make you laugh, cry, or cringe?
- How, if at all, did this book relate to your own life? Did it evoke any memories or create any connections for you?
- Did you highlight or bookmark any passages from the book? Did you have a favorite quote or quotes? If so, share which and why?
- What were some of your favorite scenes from the book? Why did they stand out to you?
- What was the most challenging or difficult part of the book for you to read or understand? How did you overcome it?
- How would you adapt this book into a movie? Who would you cast in the leading roles?
- If there was one thing about the book you could have improved, what would it be?
- Rate this book on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest. Why did you give the book the rating you did? Did any part of this book club discussion change your rating from what it would have been directly after finishing the book?
General book club questions – Author
- Who is the author and what is their background or experience in relation to the book?
- Why do you think the author wrote this book and what was their purpose or goal?
- How much do you think the author’s personal views or biases influenced the book and how do you feel about that?
- How does this book compare to other books by the same author or in the same genre?
- If you could ask the author one question about this book, what would it be?
General book club questions – Writing style
- Did you find the author’s writing style easy to read or hard to read? How long did it take you to get into the book?
- How did the author use language, tone, structure, imagery, dialogue, etc. to tell the story and create an effect on the reader?
- Did the author use any literary devices, techniques, or styles to enhance their writing, and to what effect?
- Discuss the author’s use of symbols, metaphors, or imagery to convey their ideas or emotions.
- What did you like or dislike about the author’s writing style and why?
- How did the author’s writing style enhance or detract from the story or the message of the book?
- How would you describe the author’s writing style in a few words?
- Did the author’s style and voice suit the genre and tone of the book?
General book club questions – Themes:
- What were the main themes or messages of the book and how did they relate to the story?
- How did the book make you think or feel about a certain topic or issue?
- What did you learn from the book or what did it teach you about yourself or others?
- How did the book challenge or change your perspective or opinion on something?
- How relevant or relatable are the themes or messages of the book to your own life, or to society today?
Book club discussion questions for fiction
General fiction book club questions.
- Who was your favorite character and why?
- Which character did you find the most complex or intriguing and why?
- How did the main character(s) change or grow throughout the story?
- How did the secondary characters impact or influence the main character(s) or story?
- Which character did you relate to or empathize with the most and why?
- Which character did you dislike or disagree with the most and why?
- Are there any characters you wish you could have given advice to? What would you tell them?
- What do you think happens to the characters after the novel concludes?
- How did the author create conflict and tension in the book? What was the main conflict or problem in the story and how was it resolved?
- How did the author keep you interested or surprised throughout the story?
- What was the most memorable or shocking scene or twist in the story and why?
- What was the most satisfying or disappointing part of the story and why?
- How did you feel about the ending? Was it satisfying or did you want more?
Mystery book club questions
- Were you surprised by who ended up being the person who committed the crime? If you guessed who did it, what clues did you notice that made you suspect them? If you were surprised, who did you think it was going to be instead? What was the biggest red herring that threw you off track?
- How did the author introduce the main mystery or crime in the book? Did it grab your attention and make you curious right from the beginning?
- How did the author create suspense and intrigue throughout the book? What techniques did they use to keep you engaged and guessing?
- Did you find that the clues and evidence presented in the book made sense and fit together? If not, what stuck out for you?
- How did the author develop the main character(s), especially the detective or sleuth? Did you like them or find them interesting? Did they have any quirks or habits that made them memorable?
- How did the book end? Were you satisfied with the solution or reveal of the mystery or crime? Did it make sense and tie up all the loose ends?
- How did the author explore themes such as justice, truth, deception, or morality?
Thriller and horror book club discussion questions
- How did the setting and atmosphere of the book affect the mood and tone of the story? Did it create a sense of danger, mystery, dread or unease?
- How did the author generate suspense and tension throughout the book? How did they initially draw you in? What techniques did they use to keep you hooked and on edge?
- Did the author surprise or shock you with twists and turns in the plot? Did you see them coming or were you caught off guard?
- What did you think of the main character? Did they make any decisions that you didn’t agree with in response to the conflict of the novel?
- Most thriller or horror stories have a villain. How did the author portray them? Did you understand their motives or methods? Did they have any redeeming qualities or human emotions?
- How did the author use different perspectives or narrators to tell the story? Did it add to the complexity or confusion of the plot? Did it reveal any secrets or clues that you missed before?
- How did the author balance the action and/or violence with the psychological and emotional aspects of the story?
- How did the author explore themes such as justice, morality, revenge, loyalty, or survival?
- If there was a supernatural element to the story, what was its purpose? Was it merely to advance to the plot or was it a metaphor for something else?
- Were you satisfied with the book’s outcome or did you have any questions or doubts left unanswered?
Historical fiction book club questions
- How did the author blend historical facts and fiction in this book? Did you find the book accurate and authentic?
- How did the author portray the historical setting and period of this book? Did you learn anything new or interesting about the time and place of the story?
- Did the author use any historical sources or references in this book? Did you find them helpful and credible?
- Did this book challenge or change your perspective on any historical events or figures? Did it make you want to learn more about them?
- How did this book relate to your own life experiences or interests in the present day?
- If you could travel back in time to the historical setting and period of this book, what would you do or see?
Romance book club questions
- Was the romance believable to you? Why or why not?
- How did you feel about the main couple’s chemistry and compatibility? Did you root for them or not?
- What did you think of the main conflict or obstacle that kept the couple apart? Was it realistic or contrived?
- How did the setting and time period of the novel affect the romance? Did it add to the atmosphere or create challenges for the characters?
- How did the author balance the romance with other elements such as humor, suspense, drama, or social commentary?
- How did the secondary characters contribute to the story and the romance? Did you have a favorite or least favorite side character?
- What do you think happens to the main couple after the novel ends?
- How did the novel explore themes such as love, trust, communication, family, identity, or sexuality?
- How did you like the level of heat in the novel?
Fantasy book club questions
- How did the author create the fantasy world in the book? Did they provide any maps, glossaries, or appendices to help you understand it?
- Did the main characters have any special abilities or powers that made them unique or powerful? If so, are these powers or abilities that you’d like to have? Why or why not? What would you do with these abilities?
- How did the author present the magic system in the book? Did they do a good job of explaining how it works and what its rules and limitations are? Did it make sense and fit with the story?
- How did the author portray any other races or creatures in the book? If so, what did you think of their culture or history?
- How did the author use the setting and atmosphere of the book to enhance the fantasy and mood of the story?
- How did the author explore themes such as heroism, destiny, loyalty, or morality?
Sci-fi book club questions
- How did the author create the science fiction world or scenario in the book?
- Did the author use any scientific or technological concepts or theories to support their imagination?
- Did you find the world or scenario they created plausible? Why or why not?
- Contrast the science fiction world with our actual world. Would you want to live in the world the author built?
- What does the world of the book say about our actual world, if anything? Is it optimistic about a potential future or cautionary?
- How do the book’s characters react to the science fiction world or scenario they experience? How does it compare to how you would react if placed in this situation or world?
- Did the main characters have any special skills or abilities that made them fit or stand out in the science fiction world or scenario?
Book club discussion questions for non-fiction
General non-fiction book club questions.
- How would you describe the book in one sentence? What is the main point or purpose of the book?
- What are some of the questions or criticisms you have about the book? How would you challenge or debate the author’s claims or arguments?
- How did the book change your opinion or perspective on the topic? Did it confirm or contradict any of your assumptions or expectations?
- What was the most memorable or impactful story, anecdote, or example in the book? Why did it stand out to you?
- What was the most surprising or shocking thing you learned from the book? How did it make you feel?
- How did the author engage and persuade you as a reader in the book?
- How did the author’s choice of how to frame and organize the book impact its effectiveness for you?
- How did the author address any counter arguments or criticisms in the book? Did they acknowledge any limitations, gaps, or biases in their research or writing? Did you find their arguments convincing?
- What are some of the ethical, moral, or social implications of the book? How does it challenge or support your values or beliefs?
- Did the book inspire you to take action, change your behavior, or think differently about something?
- What are some of the limitations or biases of the book? How does it reflect the author’s background, perspective, or agenda?
Memoir book club questions
- Did the author use a chronological, thematic, or episodic structure to tell their life story in the book, and how did this choice enhance their narrative?
- How did the author develop their voice and personality in the book? Did you like them or find them interesting? Did they have any humor, honesty, or insight that made them memorable or relatable?
- How did the author create interest and engagement in the book? What were the main events or turning points that shaped their life story? How did they capture your attention and curiosity?
- Did the author surprise you with any revelations or discoveries in the book? Did you learn anything new or unexpected about them or their life experiences?
- How did the author portray the other people in their life in the book? What was their influence or impact on the author’s life choices or outcomes?
- How did the author explore topics such as identity, family, relationships, career, or spirituality?
- How did the book end? Were you satisfied with the conclusion or reflection of the author’s life journey?
- How did the author’s story make you reflect on your own life and experiences?
- Why do you think the author wanted to tell their story? What do you think is the main thing they wanted you to come away from reading the book with?
- Did you find the author to be a reliable narrator of their own history? Why or why not?
Biography book club questions
- How did the author research and write the biography of the subject? Did they use any sources, interviews, or documents to support their facts and claims? Did you trust that they are an authoritative source on the subject?
- How did the author portray the subject’s personality and character in the book? Did you like them or find them interesting? Did they have any strengths, weaknesses, or quirks that made them unique or influential?
- How did the author present the main achievements or contributions of the subject in the book? What made them noteworthy as the subject of a book? Did they make a lasting impact or legacy in their field or society?
- How did the author create interest and engagement in the book? What were the main events or challenges that shaped the subject’s life story? How did they capture your attention and curiosity?
- How much did you know about the subject of the book before reading? Did you learn anything new or surprising about them?
- How did the author use the setting and context of the book to enhance the subject’s life story and perspective? Did the author succeed in creating a sense of time, place, or culture?
- How did the book end? Were you satisfied with the summary or evaluation of the subject’s life journey? Did it inspire you or challenge you in any way?
Self-help / personal development book club questions
- What was the main message or lesson of this book? Did you find it inspiring and motivating?
- How did this book relate to your own life experiences or interests? Did it inspire you to take any action or make any changes in your life?
- How do you plan to implement what you learned from this book in your daily life? What are some specific steps or strategies that you will use?
- What was the most useful or valuable advice or tip that you learned from this book?
- How credible and reliable do you think this book is as a source of guidance and support on its topic or issue? What sources or references did the author cite that add to its credibility?
- What questions do you still have after reading this book? What would you like to learn more about?
- What piece of advice from this book do you think will be most difficult for you to apply? Why?
- Was there any guidance or advice in this book that you disagreed with?
Book club questions PDF
Looking for printable book club discussion questions to bring with you to book club? To download a free, printable, PDF version of this ultimate list of 124 book club questions, click here .
Book club questions for specific books
Bookclubs' Book Club Discussion Guide center has reading guides for hundreds of titles. Check back often as we add new discussion guides every week. If we don’t have a discussion guide for your upcoming book yet, request it to get notified when one is added, and to help us prioritize which guides to create!
Looking for more on how to run a book club discussion?
Coming prepared with good discussion questions is only the first step to a great book club conversation. Bookclubs also has all the club organizing tools you’ll need to keep your book club running smoothly.
- Automated Meeting Scheduling & Reminders: The meeting syncs with your calendar and all members receive meeting reminders so whether you’re meeting virtually or in-person, you’re keeping book club on the calendar!
- Interactive Polls: Avoid those lengthy email chains with our interactive polls for book selection, choosing your next meeting time, and more.
- Message Boards & 1:1 Direct Messages: Share your latest book banter with direct messaging features and club message boards.
- Digital Shelving: Keep track of what your club (or you) has read and wants to read next. See in an instant what your club is reading this month, view your past reads in one place, and recommend books to each other – so you always have options for what to read next!
- Grow Your Club: Looking to connect with readers outside your personal circle? Open your club to the public and find new members in your hometown or across the globe.
Say hello to a better book club experience today and create your club on Bookclubs .
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Zoe E. (Bookclubs)
Jun 27, 2024 - 6 months
Hi Tiffyni, we unfortunately aren't able to create a discussion guide for every book, so it really depends! We prioritize writing guides for the books we get the highest number of requests for
Tiffyni Pate
May 02, 2024 - 1 year
How long does it take for a discussion guide to be created once requested?
Cristina Felix
Feb 05, 2024 - 1 year
Where do we ask oddly specific yet vague questions like “What’s a good fantasy romance where the main character falls in love with a side character instead of the obvious prince”?
Sep 26, 2023 - 1 year
Hi Valerie, for specific books, visit www.bookclubs.com/discussion-guides. We have questions for hundreds of the most popular book club books.
Valerie Giglio
Aug 19, 2023 - 1 year
Do you have specific questions for a specific book?
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BookBrowse Blog
36 book club discussion questions for any book—tried and tested.
General Book Club Questions
- What did you like best/least about the book, and why?
- Did you have expectations of the book (e.g., from reading reviews, hearing from friends), if so, did it fall short, meet expectations or exceed?
- What do you think of the book title and jacket cover? Do you think they adequately reflect the book's content, or are they misleading? If you had creative control, what changes would you make to these items, if any?
- Are you glad you read the book?
- What did you learn from the book? Did it change your perception? Did it leave you with questions you want to find answers to?
- Do you have a favorite quote or scene from the book? Why does this stand out to you?
- How do you think the book will age (or has aged)? If the book is recently published: Do you think it is one that people will still be reading in decades to come? If it was published in the past: Is it still relevant? If it was written now, how would it be different?
- Have you read other books on the same topic? If so, which would you recommend?
- What did you think of the book's ending?
- What audience would you recommend the book to?
- If you were making a movie of the book, who would you cast?
Blook Club Questions About the Author or their Writing
- Why do you think the author chose to write this particular book? What are they trying to convey, and were they successful in doing so?
- How would you describe the author's writing style? What did you like or not like about it?
- Does the author's writing style remind you of any other authors? If so, in what ways?
- If you were writing this book, would you tell the story the same way?
- If you could ask the author one question, what would it be?
Book Club Questions Focused on the Book's Story
- Was the story credible? For example, even in a fantasy setting, the characters' motives and actions need to make sense within the context of their world.
- What did you think of the pacing of the book? Did it hold your interest throughout? Were some parts too fast or slow?
- Did the author use symbolism? If so, what was the purpose of the symbolism? What was the author trying to convey?
- Did the plot proceed as you expected? What parts of it surprised you, if any?
- Did you wholly trust the narrator(s), or did you consider them unreliable in any way?
Book Club Questions About the Book's Characters
- Did you relate to a particular character or the circumstances they were in?
- Which character would you most like to meet and why?
- Who relates the story and how does that color the telling?
- If the story had been told from a different perspective, what would have been different? Would you like to have heard from another character?
- Are the characters believable? For example, does a child narrator sound the age they are? Is the voice of a character in a historic novel true to the period?
- If you were in the character(s) situation, would you have responded as they did?
- What do you think happens to the characters after the story ends?
Book Club Questions for the Book's Setting
- How well did the author paint a picture of the setting?
- How did the setting impact the story? If the setting had been different would the story have been different?
- Would you like to visit the setting of the book? If familiar with the setting, did it ring true?
Genre Specific Book Club Questions
- Nonfiction: Was the author able to convey things in an enjoyable way for a non-expert reader? Do you feel the author justified their conclusions? Would you prefer that the author provided more information, less information, or was it just the right amount?
- Memoir: Do you feel the author was being honest? Were their gaps in the story you wish had been filled, or parts where you wished for less information. If the book is fiction with biographical elements, why do you think the author chose to write in this way rather than as a memoir?
- Short stories: Which story did you like best/least, and why? How are the stories connected? For example, do they share a setting, themes or characters? Would you have liked to see any of these stories extended?
- Historical Fiction: Do you feel the book was well-researched? Did you spot any anachronisms, or any period-specific aspect that wasn't mentioned but should have been?
- Mysteries: When did you figure out "whodunnit"? What did you think of the red herrings the author inserted? Did you find them appropriate or forced? Was the ending satisfying?
General Book Club Topics Relating to the Book
Finally, you might want to include one or more general interest topics that relate to the book but don't require detailed knowledge of the text. These can be especially helpful if your book group has a relaxed policy about members attending meetings without having completed the book. For example, these are some topics from past discussion on BookBrowse that relate to the book being discussed, but do not require a person to have read the book in order to participate:
- If you could start a movement in your community, what would it be? And why?
- Is prejudice nature or nurture?
- Do you think it's true that we care less about others' opinions as we age?
- What are popular and favorite recipes of your family and region?
- Do you agree that "marriage is such a dreadful gamble"?
- Do you see the appeal of the [insert relevant to the book] lifestyle/career choice?
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113+ Thought-Provoking Book Club Discussion Questions
These conversation starters that will spark interesting debates and deepen your understanding of the books you read.
Looking to elevate your book club meetings? Look no further! We’ve curated a list of 113+ thought-provoking book club discussion questions that are sure to spark lively conversations and deepen your understanding of the books you read. Whether you’re a seasoned book club enthusiast or just starting out, these questions will help you delve deeper into the themes, characters, and messages of your chosen books. From classics to contemporary bestsellers, we’ve got you covered with a diverse range of questions that will challenge your perspectives and encourage fascinating debates. Get ready to explore the hidden layers of your favorite novels, connect with fellow book lovers on a deeper level, and take your book club meetings to the next level. So let’s dive in and embark on a journey of literary exploration together!
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- Good Morning America Book Club: The Complete List
Why book club discussion questions are important
Book club discussion questions play a crucial role in elevating the overall experience of your book club meetings. They go beyond simple plot summaries and encourage participants to engage with the book’s themes, characters, and underlying messages. These questions provide a framework for deeper analysis and interpretation, helping you and your fellow book club members develop a richer understanding of the books you read. By discussing these thought-provoking questions, you can uncover hidden layers, explore different perspectives, and gain new insights that you might have missed on your own.
Discussion questions also foster a sense of community and connection within your book club. They encourage lively debates and allow participants to share their unique interpretations and personal experiences related to the book. Through these discussions, you’ll develop a deeper bond with your fellow book lovers as you explore the literary world together and gain a better understanding of each other’s perspectives.
How to create book club discussion questions?
Creating thought-provoking book club discussion questions is an art form that takes practice and experience. When crafting questions, think of topics that will encourage participants to engage with the book’s themes and characters. Consider what made you connect to the text personally and why certain scenes or messages resonated with you. These are great starting points for finding meaningful topics for discussion. Additionally, you can try asking questions that explore different perspectives or invite people to share their personal experiences related to the book. Once you have a few questions written down, go back and refine them to make sure they are open-ended and engaging. With these tips in mind, you’ll be ready to create book club discussion questions that will bring your meetings to life!
What are good book club discussion questions?
Good book club discussion questions should be open-ended and thought-provoking. They should allow participants to engage with the themes, characters, and ideas of the book at a deeper level. Here are some examples of good book club discussion questions:
- What was your initial impression of the protagonist? How did this opinion evolve as you read through the book?
- How did the author use symbolism to communicate underlying themes throughout the story?
- Did any particular scenes or lines stand out to you? Why do you think they were included in the text?
- What aspects of the book made you feel connected to its characters and messages?
- In what ways do you think this relates to present-day or modern society?
General discussion questions for any book
- What was your initial reaction to the book’s title, cover, or blurb?
- Did the book meet your expectations? Why or why not?
- How did the book make you feel? Did it evoke any specific emotions?
- Were there any particular passages or quotes that stood out to you? Why?
- Did the book change your perspective on any topic or issue? If so, how?
- Did the author effectively convey the book’s themes? Why or why not?
- How did the book’s pacing and structure impact your reading experience?
- Did the characters feel realistic and relatable? Why or why not?
- Were there any unresolved plot points or loose ends that bothered you?
- Would you recommend this book to others? Why or why not?
These general discussion questions provide a starting point for any book club meeting. They allow participants to share their overall impressions and engage in a broad discussion about the book’s impact. Feel free to adapt and expand upon these questions to suit the specific book you’re discussing.
Discussion questions for fiction books
Fiction books offer rich opportunities for exploration and analysis. Use these discussion questions to delve into the intricacies of the story, characters, and themes.
- How did the author use language and imagery to create the setting and atmosphere?
- Which character did you relate to the most? Why?
- Were there any characters you found particularly intriguing or compelling? Why?
- How did the protagonist’s journey or transformation impact the story?
- Did the book challenge any preconceived notions or stereotypes? How?
- Were there any plot twists or surprises that caught you off guard? How did they change your understanding of the story?
- Did the book explore any social or political issues? If so, what were they and how were they portrayed?
- How did the book’s ending resonate with you? Were you satisfied or left wanting more?
- Did the author effectively use symbolism or metaphors? If so, how did they enhance your reading experience?
- How did the book’s narrative style contribute to your engagement with the story?
Discussion questions for non-fiction books
Non-fiction books offer unique opportunities for learning and discussion. Use these questions to explore the author’s arguments, research, and real-world implications.
- What is the main thesis or central argument of the book? Were you convinced by it?
- Did the author provide sufficient evidence to support their claims? Why or why not?
- How did the book challenge or expand your knowledge on the topic?
- Were there any sections of the book that you found particularly thought-provoking or eye-opening? Why?
- Did the author present different perspectives on the topic? How did they handle conflicting viewpoints?
- Did the book change your opinion on the subject matter? If so, how?
- How did the author’s writing style impact your understanding and engagement with the book?
- Did the book inspire you to take any action or explore further research on the topic? Why or why not?
- Did the book raise any questions or issues that you would like to discuss further?
- How did the book compare to other books or sources you’ve read on the same topic?
Discussion questions for classic literature
Classic literature provides a treasure trove of timeless themes and complex characters. Use these questions to delve into the depths of the classics.
- How does this classic work resonate with contemporary issues or concerns?
- What makes this book a classic? Why do you think it has stood the test of time?
- How does the author’s writing style reflect the time period in which the book was written?
- Were there any cultural or historical aspects of the book that you found difficult to understand or relate to?
- How does the book explore universal human experiences or emotions?
- Did the book challenge any societal norms or conventions of its time? If so, how?
- How does the book’s language and imagery contribute to its overall impact?
- Did the book’s ending leave room for interpretation or closure? How did it affect your reading experience?
- How do the characters in this classic work compare to those found in contemporary literature?
- How does this classic work relate to other books or authors from the same time period?
113 Thought-Provoking Book Club Discussion Questions
- What was the central message or moral of the story?
- What were some of the key themes explored in the text?
- How did you feel about the characters and their development throughout the book?
- Was there a particular scene that really stood out to you?
- Who was your favorite character, and why?
- What did you think about the way the author handled difficult topics or controversial themes?
- How would you rate this book on a scale of 1-10, and why?
- Was there any symbolism or recurring motifs in the text that resonated with you?
- How does this book connect to current events or popular culture?
- What did you learn from reading this book?
- Is there anything you would change about the story or its characters?
- In what ways was the ending satisfying or unsatisfying?
- Did any of the quotes stick with you after finishing the book?
- What were your thoughts on the author’s writing style or narrative choices?
- How would you describe the overall mood of the book and why?
- Are there any universal truths explored in this book that have meaning for other people as well?
- In what ways did this text challenge or confirm expectations?
- What did you think of the book’s setting, and why was it important for the story?
- How do you think this book compares to other works in the same genre?
- Did any particular scenes make you laugh, cry, or feel empathy?
- If you could ask the author one question about this book, what would it be?
- What were your impressions of the antagonists, and did they have any redeeming qualities?
- Were there any moral or ethical dilemmas that resonated with you during the reading?
- What themes do you think will stay relevant for years to come?
- How did the book’s title relate to the story? Was it a fitting choice?
- Which characters resonated with you the most, and why?
- If you could rewrite a part of the story, which part would it be and why?
- Did the book alter your perspective on a certain topic or issue?
- How has the book influenced your thoughts or emotions?
- Did the book end the way you expected it to?
- Can you relate to any of the characters or situations in the book?
- What emotions did the first and last pages of the book evoke?
- How did the book’s pace affect your reading experience?
- Would you recommend this book to someone else? Why or why not?
- How would you envision a sequel or prequel to this book?
- What contemporary issues did the book bring to light?
- Did the book’s resolution feel authentic and satisfying?
- If you had the chance to interview the author, what would you ask?
- How did the book’s genre influence its overarching themes?
- What insights did the book provide into human nature?
- Could the events in the book occur in real life?
- Would you classify the book as a “page-turner”? Why or why not?
- How did the author create suspense or tension in the book?
- Do you think the book would be different if it was written from another character’s perspective?
- Can you identify any symbols in the book, and what do they signify?
- If you could ask a character in the book a question, what would it be?
- How do the book’s themes relate to your own life experiences?
- Would the book’s impact be different if it was set in a different time or place?
- What emotions did the book stir up in you as you were reading?
- What are your final thoughts on the book?
- How did the author’s background or personal experiences influence the narrative?
- Did you find the book’s premise original and captivating?
- Does the book contain any subplots? If so, how do they contribute to the main story?
- How did the book’s structure influence its narrative flow?
- Can you identify a turning point in the book? How did it affect the story?
- Do you think the title gives away too much or too little about the book?
- How has the book changed or enhanced your understanding of a particular era or culture?
- Do you think the book would translate well into a movie or TV series?
- What kind of emotions did you experience while reading the climax of the book?
- Was the protagonist’s journey and transformation believable to you?
- Did the book’s pace enhance or detract from your reading experience?
- If you could spend a day with one of the characters, who would it be and why?
- How does the book explore the complexity of human relationships?
- Did the author effectively use foreshadowing to hint at future events in the book?
- To whom in your life would you recommend this book, and why?
- Do you think the protagonist made the right decisions throughout the book?
- What passage from the book would you quote to entice someone to read it?
- How did the setting contribute to the overall mood of the book?
- If you could change one thing about the book, what would it be and why?
- How has this book challenged or reinforced your pre-existing beliefs or values?
- Which character underwent the most compelling transformation and why?
- Can you identify any strong imagery used in the book, and how did it contribute to the story?
- How do you think the book will be remembered decades from now?
- How did the author’s tone contribute to the mood of the book?
- If the book were to be adapted into a film, who would you cast as the main characters?
- Did the author’s choice of words enhance your reading experience?
- Did the book evoke a strong sense of place? How did it add to the story?
- Did you find any aspect of the book predictable?
- What is your favorite dialogue or quote from the book and why?
- Did the book leave you with any unanswered questions?
- Did the characters and their actions feel credible within the world the author created?
- How did the relationships between characters evolve throughout the book?
- Were there any unexpected plot twists? How did they impact your reading experience?
- Was there a specific event or moment that you found most impactful in the book? Why?
- If you could ask the author to expand on a particular aspect or scene in the book, what would it be?
- Was there a character with whom you shared a personal connection? If so, who was it and why did you feel connected?
- Did the climax of the book meet your expectations? Why or why not?
- If a sequel were to be written, what elements or characters would you like to see explored further?
- Did the narrative style impact your connection with the characters or your understanding of the plot?
- Were there any sections of the book you found confusing or difficult to understand? How did this affect your overall impression of the book?
- How does the author handle the element of time in the book? Did it enhance or detract from the narrative?
- How does this book compare to the other books you’ve read recently?
- If you were the author, what is one thing you would have done differently when writing this book?
- Did you feel the characters’ actions drove the plot, or did the plot drive the characters’ actions?
- How does the book’s ending compare to its beginning, and how do they fit together as a whole?
- What specific techniques did the author use to keep you engaged throughout the book?
- Are there any connections between this book and other books by the same author?
- Did anything about the book surprise or disappoint you? If so, what was it and why?
- How do the characters develop or regress throughout the book’s plot?
- Did the book draw any comparisons between real life and its fictional world?
- What themes did this book explore that are outdated?
- How effectively did the author utilize different points of view techniques to tell their story?
- Do you think this book will still resonate in fifty years, or do you think it is more suited for this present time?
- How did the book’s resolution affect your reading experience?
- In what ways could the book have been improved upon?
- Are there any elements of the story that felt unresolved at the end of the book?
- What would you say are the main themes of this book?
- How does the book provide insight into different aspects of human life?
- Do you think the author’s chosen styles of writing was effective? Why or why not?
- Looking back on your experience reading the book, can you identify any lessons you learned from it?
- Were there any thematic elements that were introduced but not fully explored?
- What elements of the story were most impactful when considering its overall message?
- Do you think any additional characters could have enhanced the narrative of the book?
More Information About Book Club Discussion Questions
There is so much more to book club discussions than the actual questions themselves, so let’s talk more about that.
How do you run a successful book club discussion?
Running a successful book club discussion involves more than just having great questions. It also requires thoughtful facilitation and an understanding of group dynamics. Here are some tips for running a successful book club discussion:
- Start off with an icebreaker question that invites everyone to share their initial thoughts on the book or any favorite moments they experienced while reading it. This helps start the conversation and makes everyone feel more comfortable.
- Choose questions that are open-ended and thought-provoking but not too long or convoluted. Make sure they’re things that participants can easily answer or discuss in a few minutes.
- During the discussion, be mindful of each participant’s contribution. Some members will be more chatty than others, so make sure everyone has an equal chance to share their thoughts. Also, try to keep conversations on track, but don’t be afraid to let people explore tangential topics if they’re related to the book.
- Give each participant space to express themselves freely and come up with their own interpretations of the book. Avoid jumping in with your opinion too often or dictating how others should feel about it.
- Finally, have fun! Book club discussions are a great way to connect with fellow book lovers and learn more about each other. Enjoy the journey of exploration together!
How do you make a book club interesting?
Making a book club interesting lies in the unique blend of the books you choose, the discussions you foster, and the atmosphere you create. Start by selecting a diverse range of books across different genres, cultures, and authors to keep the reading list fresh and exciting. Encourage lively and open-ended discussions, not just about the book’s plot and characters, but about its themes, relevance to current events, and its impact on readers. Engage in creative activities related to the book, like themed meetings or author Q&As, to add an extra layer of fun and interactiveness. You can also bring the book to life by organizing related field trips or movie nights. Above all, create an inclusive and welcoming environment where everyone’s opinion is valued and respected, fostering a sense of community among members. Remember, the ultimate goal is for each member to enrich their understanding of literature, enjoy riveting discussions, and create lasting friendships.
How do I make my book club more interactive?
Making your book club more interactive is all about fostering a sense of engagement and interactivity among members. Here are some tips to help make your virtual (or in-person) meetings more engaging:
- Utilize polls or other survey tools to engage with participants before the meeting begins, allowing them to share their thoughts while also getting a better sense of the group’s opinion.
- Play games that encourage members to think more deeply about the book, like asking participants to come up with their own creative discussion questions or plot twists based on the text.
- Create smaller breakout groups for deeper conversations and personal reflections, which can then be shared in the main meeting afterwards.
- Encourage members to share quotes from the book that resonated with them or guided their interpretation of it.
- Set aside an allotted amount of time for each person to talk and express their thoughts on the book, allowing everyone a fair chance to participate.
- Have fun! Don’t be afraid to do something unexpected or out-of-the-box that will make the book come alive for your members.
Where to find more book club discussion questions?
Fortunately, there are plenty of resources available online to help you find exciting book club discussion questions. Additionally, many authors and publishers provide official discussion guides with suggested topics and questions for their books. Finally, if you’re stuck or looking for inspiration, you can also check out our list of book club discussion questions above. This curated list includes a diverse range of topics and ideas to help you take your meetings to the next level.
What are your thoughts on these book club discussion questions?
Do you answer or ask questions after you’ve finished reading? Do you prepare questions ahead of your book club discussion? Are book club discussion questions used as part of your book club meeting? What book club discussion questions would you add to this list? Let us talk about it in the comments below!
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My Book Brief .
The Ultimate List of 47+ Discussion Questions for Books
Book clubs are a great way to connect with like-minded individuals, share ideas, and gain new insights. However, it can be challenging to come up with engaging and thought-provoking questions to discuss during meetings. That’s why having a list of book club questions on hand can be incredibly helpful.
Whether you’re a seasoned book club member or just starting out, having a list of questions can help guide your discussions and ensure that everyone has a chance to share their thoughts. Here is a list of book club discussion questions for various genres and themes. These questions range from basic comprehension to complex inquiries about character motivations, themes, and symbolism.
Having a list of book club questions ensures that your discussions are engaging, insightful, and thought-provoking. It can help you delve deeper into the text, gain new perspectives, and connect with other members on a deeper level. So, whether you’re reading a classic novel, a modern bestseller, or a non-fiction book, having a list of book club questions can help you get the most out of your reading experience.
Generic Discussion Questions for Books
When it comes to discussing books in a book club, sometimes it can be not easy to come up with discussion questions that are both engaging and thought-provoking. That’s where generic book club questions come in. These questions are designed to work with just about any book and can help guide your book club discussion in a meaningful direction.
Here are some examples of generic book club questions:
- What was your initial reaction to the book? Did it change as you read further?
- Who was your favorite character? Why?
- Who was your least favorite character? Why?
- What was the most memorable scene in the book? Why?
- What themes did you notice throughout the book?
- What was the author’s writing style like? Did you enjoy it?
- What did you think of the ending? Did it surprise you? Did it satisfy you?
These questions are just a starting point and can be adapted to fit the specific book you are discussing. They can also jumpstart a discussion if the conversation lags or if there are long pauses between comments.
It’s important to remember that not everyone will have the same opinions about a book, and that’s okay. A book club discussion aims to share different perspectives and insights and learn from each other’s viewpoints. By using generic book club questions, you can help facilitate a discussion that is both respectful and engaging.
Book Club Questions For Any Book
One approach to creating book club questions is to focus on the different elements of the book, such as the characters, plot, setting, and themes. For example, questions about the characters can help readers understand their motivations and personalities. Questions about the plot can help readers analyze the events in the story. Questions about the setting can help readers understand the context in which the story takes place. And questions about the themes can help readers explore the book’s deeper meaning.
Another approach to creating book club questions is to ask open-ended questions that encourage discussion and debate. For example, questions asking readers to share their experiences or opinions can lead to interesting conversations. Questions that ask readers to consider different perspectives or interpretations of the book can also be thought-provoking.
Here are some examples of book club questions for any book:
- Which character did you relate to the most? Why?
- What was the most surprising moment in the book for you? Why?
- How did the setting contribute to the overall mood of the book?
- What themes did you notice in the book? How were they explored?
- Did you agree with the actions of the main character? Why or why not?
- How did the author use language to convey emotion or meaning in the book?
- What do you think the author’s message was in writing this book?
- Would you recommend this book to others? Why or why not?
By using these questions, book clubs can have engaging and meaningful discussions about any book they choose to read.
Book Club Questions For Nonfiction
Nonfiction books can be a great option for book clubs as they offer many opportunities for discussion and learning. Here are some book club questions that can help spark conversation about nonfiction books:
- What did you learn from this book that you didn’t know before?
- Did the author present a convincing argument? Why or why not?
- What was your favorite chapter or section of the book? Why?
- Did the book change your perspective on any topic? If so, which one(s)?
- Were there any parts of the book that you found confusing or difficult to understand?
- Did the author use any particular writing techniques that you found effective? If so, which ones?
- Did you agree with the author’s conclusions? Why or why not?
- What did you think of the book’s structure and organization?
- Did the book make you want to learn more about the topic? If so, what specifically?
These questions can help guide book club discussion and encourage members to share their thoughts and opinions on the book. Additionally, they can help members better understand the book’s content and themes.
Book Club Questions For Fiction
Here are some book club questions for fiction books that can help you get started:
- What did you think of the characters? Did you find them likable or relatable? Were there any characters you disliked? Why?
- What did you think of the plot? Were there any twists or turns that surprised you? Did you find the plot predictable or engaging?
- What themes did you notice in the book? Did the author explore any important or thought-provoking themes? How did these themes impact your reading experience?
- What did you think of the writing style? Did the author’s writing style add to or detract from the story? Were there any passages or quotes that stood out to you?
- Did the book remind you of any other books or authors? If so, how did it compare to those books?
These questions can help guide your discussion and encourage members to share their thoughts and opinions about the book. Additionally, they can help you delve deeper into the story and explore its various themes and motifs.
Book Club Questions For Memoirs
Memoirs are a popular genre in book clubs. They offer a glimpse into the author’s life and experiences, allowing readers to connect with the author personally. Here are some book club questions for memoirs that can help facilitate a meaningful discussion:
- What did you learn from the author’s experiences? Memoirs are often written to share a lesson or insight with the reader. Ask your book club members what they learned from the author’s story. Did they gain any new perspectives or insights? Did they find the book inspiring or thought-provoking?
- What did you think of the author’s writing style? Memoirs can vary in writing style, from straightforward and factual to poetic . Ask your book club members about the author’s writing style. Did it enhance or detract from the story? Did it make the book more or less enjoyable to read?
- How did the author’s experiences compare to your own? Memoirs can be relatable, even if the reader hasn’t experienced the same events as the author. Ask your book club members if they could relate to any of the author’s experiences. Did the book make them reflect on their own life in any way?
- Did the author’s story change your perspective on any issues or topics? Memoirs can be powerful tools for changing minds and sparking conversations. Ask your book club members if the author’s story changed their perspective on any issues or topics. Did they gain a new understanding or appreciation for something they hadn’t considered before?
- Would you recommend this book to others? Finally, ask your book club members if they would recommend the book to others. Why or why not? Would they recommend it to a specific audience or demographic? This can help wrap up the discussion and allow everyone to share their final thoughts on the book.
Book Club Questions For Mysteries
Mystery novels are an excellent choice for book clubs as they offer plenty of opportunities for discussion and debate. Here are some book club questions for mysteries that can help guide your group’s discussion:
- What did you think of the mystery itself? Was it well-crafted and engaging, or did you find it lacking in some way? Did you predict the outcome, or were you surprised by the ending?
- What did you think of the characters? Were they fully developed and emotionally complex, or were they one-dimensional? Did you find yourself rooting for any particular character, or did you dislike them all?
- What did you think of the setting? Did the author do a good job of describing the location and creating a sense of atmosphere? Did the setting play a significant role in the story?
- What themes did you notice in the book? Did the author explore any particular ideas or issues, such as justice, revenge, or redemption? Did any of these themes resonate with you personally?
- What did you think of the writing style? Was it easy to read, or did you find it challenging? Did the author use any unusual techniques or narrative devices?
By discussing these book club questions for mysteries, your group can delve deeper into the story and better understand its themes and characters.
Book Club Questions For Short Stories
Short stories are a great way to engage in book club discussions since they offer a complete story in a shorter format. Here are some book club questions for short stories that can help stimulate discussion and keep the conversation flowing:
- What is the central conflict of the story? Identify the main conflict of the story and discuss how it is resolved. Did the resolution satisfy you? Why or why not?
- What is the theme of the story? Discuss the underlying message of the story. How does the author use literary elements to convey the theme? Did you find the theme relatable?
- What is the significance of the title? Discuss the title of the story and its relevance to the plot and characters. Does the title have multiple meanings? If so, what are they?
- Who is the protagonist? Discuss the main character of the story. What are their motivations, strengths, and weaknesses? Did you find the character relatable?
- What is the setting of the story? Discuss the time and place where the story takes place. How does the setting impact the story and the characters?
- What literary devices does the author use? Identify the literary devices used in the story such as symbolism, foreshadowing, or irony. Discuss how these devices enhance the story and its meaning.
- What is the tone of the story? Discuss the author’s tone and how it contributes to the story’s overall mood and atmosphere. Did the tone change throughout the story?
By using these book club questions for short stories, you can facilitate a lively and engaging discussion that will help your book club members gain a deeper understanding of the story and its themes.
Book Club Questions for Specific Books
When selecting a book for a book club, having a list of discussion questions tailored specifically to that book can be helpful. This can help guide the conversation and ensure that everyone has a chance to share their thoughts and opinions.
Below are book club questions for the most popular book club books:
- A Man Called Ove Book Club Questions
- It Ends With Us Book Club Questions
- Remarkably Bright Creatures Book Club Questions
- Demon Copperhead Book Club Questions
- The Measure Book Club Questions
- Mad Honey Book Club Questions
- Hello Beautiful Book Club Questions
- The Maid Book Club Questions
- Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow Book Club Questions
- West with Giraffes Book Club Questions
- Book Club Questions for Horse by Geraldine Brooks
- Midnight Library Book Club Questions
- Lesson in Chemistry Book Club Questions
- Our Missing Hearts Book Club Questions
For more titles, check out our book club discussion center .
Other Resources
- How to Start and Run a Book Club: The Complete Guide
- Benefits of a Book Club: Why Joining Can Improve Your Life
A great place to start is Bookclubs' Book Club Discussion Guide center, which has book-specific questions for hundreds of titles. Check back often as we add book club questions for new book club books every week! Some are written by Bookclubs staff, while others come from the books' publishers. General book club questions for any book!
20 Reading Response Questions for Any Book. Here are 20 "Lit Spark" Reading Response questions for your students. They are perfect for literature circles, individual writing prompts, or even just class discussions. Ways to Use Literature Response Questions.
Book Club Discussion Questions for Short Story and Essay Collections. 46. Which short story/essay did you like best? 47. Which short story/essay did you like least? 48. What similarities do these stories share? How do they tie together? 49. Do you think any of the stories could be expanded into a full-length book? 50.
Better understand a memoir, bio, or self-help book with these questions. Dive into your next nonfiction book club read with questions about the book's purpose, accuracy, readability, and other factors. Try these discussion questions at your next meet-up: General nonfiction questions: Describe this book in a single sentence.
Whether you are prepping virtual or in-person book club discussion questions, this book club discussion template offers questions that can apply to ANY book, fiction or non-fiction. It's a one-stop shop for your book club discussion needs. Keep scrolling to also download a printable PDF checklist to take with you.
Part I: Book club questions for any and all books; Part II: Fiction book club questions by genre; Part III: Nonfiction book club questions by genre ; This is an extensive list of book club questions, so pick and choose the ones that suit your book and your group best. You can also modify them or add your own questions as you see fit.
36 Fiction Reading Response Questions . These reading response prompts are perfect for book clubs, literature circles, independent reading, guided discussions, and more! The standards-based questions will work with ANY fiction book or short story. Ideas for using these literature response questions with students: Discussion Starters; Novel ...
General Book Club Topics Relating to the Book. Finally, you might want to include one or more general interest topics that relate to the book but don't require detailed knowledge of the text. These can be especially helpful if your book group has a relaxed policy about members attending meetings without having completed the book.
Elevate your book club conversations with these thought-provoking book club discussion questions! We've curated a list of 113+ conversation starters that will spark interesting debates and deepen your understanding of the books you read. Get ready for an adventure into literary exploration - let's go!
Book Club Questions For Any Book. One approach to creating book club questions is to focus on the different elements of the book, such as the characters, plot, setting, and themes. For example, questions about the characters can help readers understand their motivations and personalities. Questions about the plot can help readers analyze the ...