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Diversity for Social Impact

What is Inclusivity?

Inclusivity means making sure everyone feels welcome, valued, and respected, no matter who they are or where they come from. Imagine your school or a party where everyone is invited and treated fairly, regardless of their background, race, gender, or beliefs. Inclusivity is about creating an environment where everyone can be themselves and contribute their unique perspectives and talents.

Examples to illustrate Inclusivity

  • Puzzle pieces: Think of inclusivity as a puzzle where each person is a unique piece. For the puzzle to be complete, all the pieces need to fit together, despite their different shapes and colors. When everyone works together and supports each other, the picture becomes whole and beautiful.
  • Rainbow: A rainbow is made up of different colors, each contributing to its beauty. Inclusivity is like a rainbow, where people of diverse backgrounds come together, and their individual qualities combine to create something vibrant and harmonious.
  • Orchestra: An orchestra is composed of various instruments, each with its unique sound. When played together, they create beautiful music. Similarly, inclusivity is about valuing the differences among people and recognizing that everyone’s contributions make the overall team or community stronger.
  • Potluck dinner: Imagine going to a potluck dinner where everyone brings a dish from their culture or family tradition. When everyone shares their food, you get to experience new flavors and learn more about each other. Inclusivity is like this potluck, where everyone’s backgrounds and experiences are valued and appreciated, creating a richer and more enjoyable experience for all.

In practical terms, inclusivity might look like:

  • Having friends from different backgrounds and cultures in your social circle.
  • Being open to learning about others’ beliefs and experiences without judgment.
  • Standing up against bullying or discrimination when you see someone being treated unfairly.
  • Encouraging your school or community to organize events and activities that celebrate diversity and promote understanding among different groups of people.

Society has to ensure that whatever benefits and opportunities are there must be afforded to all its members. No one must be left behind or excluded due to differences, whatever they may be. If ever, society must extend in whatever form to ensure that everyone is accorded the benefits, opportunities and treated the same way.

One way to do so is to promote ideas of social justice, equal rights, and fairness in society and across all its members. All concepts and measures relating to it must be actively pushed and encouraged. We must banish all forms of discrimination, racism, and exclusivity eventually in the future for the benefit of everyone.

One way to promote social justice, equal rights, and opportunities is to promote inclusivity in all its forms and aspects. But what is inclusivity, and how can it promote social justice and equal rights and opportunities for all? What are the benefits, if ever, if society practices and promotes it? Finally, what aspects of society are in dire need of inclusivity?

What is inclusivity?

Inclusivity is the idea that all types of people, for whatever differences, must be included as much as possible in work and other institutions and must be assimilated. It means that whatever benefits afforded to others must be afforded to everyone, and if possible, if ever they are disadvantaged, society must address that deficiency to ensure equality.

Promoting inclusivity is easier in theory than in practice, for biases abound against the marginalized, minorities, women, and people of different genders and mental and physical disabilities. They have been victims of the patriarchal society, majority, the powerful, and the dominant classes throughout history.

The powerful and dominant in society instituted policies against them. The story of modern societies is much the history of redressing the wrongs against them and their emancipation and empowerment. Little by little, progress has been made, and in the middle of the last century, significant strides have been made towards achieving social justice for those mentioned.

Inclusivity is one of the results of the battle for social justice, equal rights, and opportunity. It is the product of the relentless struggle by the marginalized, oppressed, and discriminated against injustice and oppression. Society, then, must push through with inclusivity, if only to preserve all the victories in our fight for social justice.

The workplace is one of the critical areas of struggle for inclusivity and one of the first to be won. Legislations were passed to ensure that people previously marginalized and discriminated against were not denied the right and opportunity for employment. The working environment is made conducive and friendly for everyone.

But victories in the fight for social justice here and elsewhere must be secured. The only way to do this is to promote inclusivity in society in all its aspects. All members of society must internalize the concept itself, and it can only be done if practiced thoroughly and citizens are educated on its merit and importance.

By implication, then, inclusivity must be promoted everywhere. We can bring the struggle not only in the workplace, for which a lot has already been secured but from other areas that might seem neutral but are actually implicated in society’s power relations. By making them compliant towards inclusivity, we can make society more responsive to the concept as a whole.

Among the key areas where inclusivity must make even more significant strides to make a difference are those concerning design, leadership in all its aspects, inclusivity in educational institutions, in the language that we used, in some aspects of our health like fitness, and in several aspects of learning.

What is inclusive design?

We all have tastes and biases regarding anything, in itself, not a bad thing. We make things for ourselves and others and design things that will suit us and make us comfortable. But more often than not, people design and construct for certain people only, and the needs of others remain unaccounted for.

Here, the idea of inclusive design comes into play. Whether we are talking about preplanned cities, designing products, applications, or even styles in dress and fashion, we must think of others, and by others, those who are frequently ignored, and not taken into account, mainly the marginalized and discriminated against.

For some products like clothes and dresses, one can have a design for all, meaning it must be for use or anybody regardless of the differences we mentioned. For others, gadgets, for instance,  should be available for use by anyone, and they must be user-friendly as much as possible and operable by everyone.

The designs must also cater to their specific needs, sensibilities, desires, and specific values. Designs for urban planning and buildings, for instance, must consider the needs of everyone. Examples are pathways designed for the elderly and persons with disabilities and comfort rooms tailored explicitly for those belonging to different genders.

But let us belabour what should be obvious. In planning for inclusive design, the inputs of those who belong to the protected class, minorities, and the like must be solicited. Designing clothing, for instance, the opinions of the minorities could be solicited to account for their sensibilities. Opinions of women and those of different genders must also be considered and given weight, especially if designing for them.

By including everyone, particularly the marginalized and minorities, in designing and taking into account their needs and sensibilities, people will be aware of differences and be conscious of them. Cognizant of differences, we can expect society to notice them and their needs in other areas as well.

What is inclusive leadership?

Leaders of institutions, communities, and organizations must be the prime movers of inclusivity in society. Ordinary folks take their cue from them, so they must set a good example for others by taking the lead and initiative in it. And they can take the lead by actively promoting inclusivity by words and deeds.

Inclusive leadership entails several things. First and foremost, the leader must be committed to the idea of inclusivity and everything it entails. It means the leader must have the desire to help, promote, and fight for the cause of inclusivity, social justice, and equal rights and opportunities in general. And he must not waver against severe challenges he may face.

A leader must know how to listen, not only to his ilk but also to others. He must take cognizance of others’ wants, needs, desires, beliefs, and ideas. He must consider the interest of all, everyone, and not just of the few or others. Doing so, he must respond and act in the interest of everyone.

And talking about inclusivity, he must make sure that everyone must be treated equally and fairly. He must be aware of his own biases and know whether they affect his decision-making and treatment of others. The leader is like all of us who come from a specific background; he needs reflexivity to overcome his own biases and set a good example.

He must maintain interest in the welfare of all. To do so, he must constantly be inquiring about the others, communicating, and collaborating with all the stakeholders to ensure that principles of social justice , diversity, and inclusivity remain in place under his leadership. He must ensure that policies regarding inclusivity must be in place and implemented.

Finally, he must make a diverse group of people work together to benefit the company, institution, organization, or society as a whole. He must see to it that all the strengths and abilities be put together while at the same time remaining sensitive to the differences and sensibilities of those diverse groups.

What is inclusive education?

Education must be afforded to all, regardless of gender, race, color, nationality, and other differences. But not everyone can take advantage of education as it is. Everyone has different skills and talents, and the education available may not be suited for a particular child, owing to some differences, physical and learning disabilities, for instance.

Society then must promote inclusive education to ensure that no children are ever left behind and that everyone can develop skills and talents and acquire knowledge that suits them. Acquiring those mentioned, they can prosper and be successful in society and be fully responsible citizens, helping themselves, their families, and their community.

In inclusive education, classrooms are specifically designed, having a particular environment that suits particular students. They also use appropriate teaching methods to enhance further the students’ capability to learn. It is different from the typical classroom arrangement we often see in our communities.

But it requires a lot. Schools, for instance, must have programs and facilities for it. We need to train teachers and educators to handle diverse students with different needs. It requires a total effort from all sectors and stakeholders in society, for vital resources are needed even before starting to have a functioning inclusive education.

But the rewards for society are far-reaching, for it ensures that no one will be left behind and that everyone will have the appropriate education needed to be productive. Once harnessed by the individual, those talents, skills, and knowledge could be put to good use by the community.

What is inclusive language?

Part of promoting an inclusive society means that we as much as possible avoid terminologies and concepts that promote exclusion and discrimination. Consequently, we must promote equality and inclusivity in our everyday discourse. Thus, there is the need to have an inclusive language that instills a sense of oneness and unity in society.

Therefore, one must avoid using language that is insensitive to people, races, and ethnicities . One must not also use terminologies or words promoting prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination. Throughout history, words like these abound, and it is time that we discard their use to facilitate inclusive language, leading to greater inclusivity in discourse, in culture, and in society.

Bearing that in mind, inclusive language refers to the appropriate use of language in referring to the marginalized and discriminated, various races and minorities, for instance. It also includes gender sensitivity to language use, primarily when referring to women and other members of the LGBTQ community.

Finally, it also refers to the politically correct use of language when referring to others, such as people with disabilities and the like. Overall, we must know how to relate to others through appropriate and proper discourse. It also means giving respect to their terminologies and not appropriating them culturally, meaning taking them out of cultural and historical context.

But aside from this, we must also promote language use that will tear down all those invisible barriers and structures. One can use, for instance, neutral pronouns instead of exclusively masculine ones, which is the usual case when referring to an unknown person or things. Those acts can go a long way in promoting a culture of inclusivity.

What is inclusive fitness?

One aspect often neglected in the fight for greater inclusion is inclusivity in fitness. Yes, even fitness programs, facilities, and the like need to adopt inclusionary policies and consider the differences, like health, age, gender, and disability. They must cater the programs and facilities to accommodate and include as many people as possible.

Gyms and fitness facilities are essential in maintaining the health and physical well-being of the populace. As a place for recreation and exercise, it must be safe for everyone and promote a welcoming ambiance for anybody regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, or age. The environment must be friendly and warm.

To elaborate, it must not be a place for sexism, jingoism, and other discriminatory or exclusionary practices prevalent in times past. It would be great too for fitness facilities and programs to employ various inclusionary practices mentioned above, like using inclusive language and appropriate behavior towards others, to promote an inclusive environment.

For truth be told, discrimination, prejudice, and exclusion are more rampant in places where the prying eyes of the law and society are nowhere, where chance meetings between people of all types are frequent. Therefore, we must be more alert and sensitive in these areas and facilities.

And talking fitness and health, it is the duty of both the society and the state to provide for everyone. So it is far more critical to ensure that there is inclusiveness in fitness and health programs, too, and that this must never be neglected in the fight for social justice and equality.

What is inclusive learning?

This aspect of inclusion refers explicitly to some children who have specific disabilities, primarily mental. Society must ensure that they are given appropriate education and that they are being taught what they must learn to facilitate their acquisition of skills and their inclusion to the educational system and the community.

Inclusive learning, then, involves applying various techniques and learning strategies appropriate for specific children. Underpinning the concept is the fact that children have differences concerning learning capacities, something that the educator must take cognizance of.

Inclusive learning ensures that whatever disabilities a child has will not impede his education, learning, and acquisition of knowledge and skills. It ensures that the child will be eventually integrated into society and will not be a victim of exclusion due to failure to acquire skills.

It is not that all different from inclusive education. Still, here, the emphasis is more on the disabilities of the children rather than other general factors which make them maladaptive to specific situations, education included. The focus is on learning rather than the general educational setup.

What are the challenges of inclusivity in the workplace?

  • ommunication: Effective communication is crucial for fostering an inclusive workplace. Challenges may arise when employees from different cultural backgrounds, language skills, or communication styles interact with one another. Misunderstandings and misinterpretations can lead to feelings of exclusion or frustration. To address this, companies should provide clear guidelines on communication, offer training on cross-cultural communication, and promote open dialogue to resolve conflicts.
  • Unconscious bias: Unconscious biases are subtle prejudices that individuals may hold without being aware of them. These biases can influence decision-making, from hiring to promotions and performance evaluations, leading to a less inclusive workplace. It is essential to provide training to help employees recognize and counteract their unconscious biases, as well as implement transparent decision-making processes to minimize their impact. Unconscious is different from the Subconscious .
  • A lack of trust: Trust is a key ingredient in fostering an inclusive work environment. When employees feel that they cannot trust their colleagues or managers, they may be less willing to share their ideas or contribute fully to the team. Organizations should work to build trust by encouraging open communication, demonstrating empathy, and being transparent about decision-making processes.
  • Trying to tick every box: Companies often attempt to achieve inclusivity by addressing a wide range of diversity factors, such as age, gender, race, and disability. However, this can lead to a superficial approach that fails to address the underlying issues. Instead, organizations should focus on creating an inclusive culture that values and respects each individual’s unique contributions, while also addressing systemic barriers that hinder inclusivity.
  • Discrimination: Discrimination in the workplace can take many forms, from overt acts of exclusion to subtle microaggressions. Addressing discrimination requires organizations to have clear policies in place, provide training to raise awareness, and establish reporting mechanisms for employees to share their concerns. Companies must also be proactive in addressing discrimination and fostering a supportive environment for those who have experienced it.
  • Hostility in the organization: Hostile work environments can be a significant barrier to inclusivity. This may include behaviors such as bullying, harassment , or aggressive competition. Organizations must work to create a culture of respect, where employees feel safe and valued. This can be achieved through clear policies, training on appropriate behaviors, and promoting empathy and understanding among colleagues.
  • A lack of senior buy-in to diversity : Achieving inclusivity in the workplace requires the support and commitment of senior leadership. When senior leaders do not prioritize inclusivity, it can be challenging to drive meaningful change. To overcome this barrier , organizations should engage leaders in diversity and inclusion initiatives, provide them with the necessary resources, and hold them accountable for creating an inclusive environment. Additionally, having diverse representation in leadership positions can help to signal the importance of inclusivity to the entire organization.

Don’t miss the high-demand jobs from diverse and social impact valued employers

  • Global Head of Community Development & Planning, Global Sustainable Development Source: jobs.diversity.social
  • Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Senior Advisor Source: jobs.diversity.social
  • Manager of Zero Waste and Circular Economy – Climate Action, Sustainability and Resiliency Source: jobs.diversity.social
  • Green Workforce Administrator – Climate Action, Sustainability and Resiliency Source: https://sustainability-jobs.org
  • Senior Manager, Health Equity and Community Impact Source: https://sustainability-jobs.org
  • Team Lead Source: https://sustainability-jobs.org

These are only some areas where we can advance the cause of inclusivity. It is not exhaustive, definitely, and as much as possible, we must promote inclusivity everywhere to ensure that discrimination, exclusion, and exclusion become a thing of the past. As we go along, we continually erase, slowly but surely, all its vestiges.

But we need to start somewhere, and the critical areas mentioned are strategic enough to ensure that we can follow up on the successes previously attained. Inclusivity in those specific areas mentioned will make more and more people aware of the idea, hopefully making them more responsive to it and more intolerant of exclusivity and discrimination.

The fight for greater inclusivity is only part of the overall fight for social justice, equal rights , and opportunities for all of us. It does not mean, though, that it is far less significant. If ever, victory in the fight for inclusivity will indicate whether we can have more successes or more setbacks in the fight for parity in society.

Inclusivity is the practice or policy of including people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalized. Inclusivity is a mindset, in contrast, diversity is the what. You can have a team of one, which is not diverse, but, can be inclusive. Someone who has an inclusive mindset behaves in a way that welcomes and embraces diversity.

You can measure diversity, it is harder to measure inclusivity. Inclusivity has to be observed.

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About the author

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Susanne Ricee

Susanne Ricee is the Diversity and Inclusion Specialist and Researcher at Diversity for Social Impact. Sue brings over 15 years of HR and Diversity, Equity, Inclusion consultation experience. Sue's previous experience includes Microsoft, Target, and Kraft. Sue is also the manager of Diversity Leadership Directory

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Nathan Auyeung

May 8, 2023

Celebrating Our Differences: Inspiring Essays on Diversity and Inclusion

Ready to celebrate diversity and inclusion? Discover how to craft an exceptional essay on this important topic with our expert tips and real-world examples. Join us as we explore the power of diversity and its impact on individuals and communities alike.

Imagine yourself walking into a room full of people, each with their own stories to tell. What makes your story stand out? What makes your voice unique? This is the essence of a good diversity essay .

In your essay, you have the opportunity to show the admissions committee how your life experiences have shaped your perspective, identity, and aspirations. Through sharing personal stories, you can paint a picture of who you are and how you will contribute to the vibrant tapestry of the campus community.

Maybe it's growing up in a multicultural household that has taught you to value different perspectives and ways of life. Or, perhaps it's overcoming adversity and facing challenges that have made you a more empathetic and resilient person. Whatever your story may be, your diversity essay is a chance to showcase the richness and depth of your lived experiences.

As you craft your essay, think about how your unique background has informed your actions, beliefs, and goals. Share specific examples and anecdotes that bring your story to life, and make sure to emphasize how you will use your diverse perspective to contribute positively to the campus community. With a well-written diversity essay, you can show the admissions committee that you are more than just a set of grades and test scores - you are a unique and valuable addition to their community.

We have provided a guide as well as some essay examples to assist you in writing your essay about diversity. If you need inspiration for an essay, read them till last. But before we dig into the specifics, a basic understanding of diversity is necessary.

What is Diversity in actuality?

institutions. By recognizing and celebrating the unique experiences, viewpoints, and identities of students from diverse backgrounds, schools can create a more inclusive and welcoming environment that benefits everyone. Through diversity essays, students have the opportunity to showcase the strength of diversity and how it can contribute to the greater community. 

Scholarship options designed for historically underserved communities also demonstrate the importance of diversity in leveling the playing field and creating opportunities for all. Therefore, embracing diversity can lead to a stronger and more vibrant academic community.

What is Inclusion?

Inclusion is the practice of making a place where everyone, despite their differences, is treated with dignity and respect . It's the act of making sure nobody is held back from contributing to a group or community because of their identity or background.

Each person's race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, financial background, ability, religion, and other characteristics are valued and celebrated through the practice of inclusion. It's not enough to just tolerate differences; we need to celebrate them and foster communities where everyone can feel safe and included.

To advance social justice and equity, inclusion is crucial. It allows people from all walks of life to meet one another, learn from one another, and work together towards a shared objective. Positive results for individuals and communities can result from their inclusion in more open, welcoming, and supportive settings.

Step-by-Step guide on how to write an essay on diversity and inclusion

Writing an essay on diversity and inclusion is an important task that requires careful planning and execution. In this step-by-step guide, we will provide you with a roadmap on how to write a compelling essay on this topic.

Here are seven suggestions to consider as you write your diversity statement.

Tell your story

Highlight any challenges you had to overcome while writing an essay. Tell the world about how you used to have to lug two 20-pound sacks of rice uphill to school every day. Recognize your privilege if you were born into affluence. Either way, you can utilize your experience to demonstrate your ability to empathize with kids who struggle to complete their education.

Focus on commonly accepted understandings of diversity and inclusiveness

Issues of race, gender, class, and sexual orientation should be given special attention. Don't try to soften your stance by mentioning, for example, how challenging it is to be a Kansan in Missouri. Write about racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, or another form of oppression that is well-known instead.

Avoid false parallels

When writing a diversity essay, it is important to avoid false parallels. False parallels are when two things appear to be similar, but in reality, they are different. To avoid false parallels, you must carefully examine the similarities and differences between the two things you are comparing. This will help you to make accurate and meaningful comparisons, which will ultimately strengthen your diversity essay.

Write about specific things you have done to help students from underrepresented backgrounds succeed

If you've never helped anybody before, now is the time to start. Become involved as a tutor at a low-performing school, help Habitat for Humanity construct homes, or adopt an antiracist pedagogical approach in your classroom. Not only will you gain valuable experience, but you can also use it to strengthen your diversity statement.

Highlight any programs for underrepresented students you’ve participated in

If you have participated in any programs for underrepresented students, be sure to highlight them in your essay on diversity. This could include programs focused on increasing access to education for students from disadvantaged backgrounds, mentorship or internship programs for underrepresented groups, or community service initiatives aimed at promoting diversity and inclusion.

By highlighting these programs, you can showcase your commitment to diversity and demonstrate how you have taken active steps to promote equity and inclusion in your community.

Write about your commitment to working toward achieving equity and enhancing diversity

Provide details on what you can bring to the table. You might express your desire to help existing programmes on campus or to start something brand new inspired by what you've seen elsewhere.

Modify your statement based on where you are sending it

When writing an essay on diversity, it's important to tailor your statement to the specific institution or audience you are addressing. Modifying your statement based on where you are sending it shows that you have taken the time to research the institution and understand its values and priorities. This can increase the likelihood of your statement resonating with the reader and ultimately being successful in achieving your goals.

3 Example essays on Diversity and Inclusion

The importance of diversity workforce, introduction.

Workforce diversity is a critical aspect of modern-day organizations. It involves hiring individuals from different backgrounds, cultures, ethnicities, genders, and ages. The concept of workforce diversity is gaining prominence as organizations are increasingly recognizing the benefits of having a diverse workforce. In this essay, we will explore the importance of workforce diversity, the challenges associated with it, and the benefits it offers.

Encourages Innovation and Creativity

Diversity brings together a wide range of perspectives and ideas that can help drive innovation and creativity. When people from diverse backgrounds come together, they can offer different viewpoints and ideas, leading to new solutions to problems.

Enhances Employee Engagement and Retention

Employees who feel included and valued are more engaged and motivated, leading to higher retention rates. When employees feel they belong and are appreciated, they are more likely to stay with the organization, reducing turnover costs.

Increases Global Competitiveness

Diversity in the workforce is crucial for organizations looking to expand globally. Organizations with a diverse workforce are better equipped to understand and navigate the cultural nuances of different countries and regions, making them more competitive in the global marketplace.

Promotes a Positive Image

Organizations that embrace diversity are viewed positively by the public, customers, and employees. A diverse workforce demonstrates that the organization values and respects individuals from all backgrounds, contributing to a positive brand image.

Resistance to Change

Implementing diversity initiatives can be met with resistance, particularly from those who believe that the traditional way of doing things is the best. It is essential to educate and raise awareness about the benefits of diversity to overcome this challenge.

Communication Barriers

When individuals from different backgrounds come together, there may be communication barriers due to language or cultural differences. It is essential to provide training and resources to overcome these barriers and foster effective communication.

Stereotyping and Bias

Stereotyping and bias can negatively impact diversity initiatives. It is essential to establish a culture of inclusivity and respect, where individuals feel valued and appreciated for their unique contributions.

Improved Decision-Making

A diverse workforce can provide a range of perspectives, leading to better decision-making. When individuals with different backgrounds come together, they can offer different viewpoints, leading to a more comprehensive and well-rounded decision-making process.

Increased Creativity and Innovation

Diversity can lead to new ideas and perspectives that can drive innovation and creativity. A diverse workforce can bring together different viewpoints and experiences, leading to new solutions to problems.

Enhanced Reputation

Improved Employee Engagement and Retention

When employees feel included and valued, they are more engaged and motivated, leading to higher retention rates. A diverse workforce can help create a sense of belonging, leading to improved employee engagement and retention.

Workforce diversity is crucial for modern-day organizations. It can lead to improved decision-making, increased creativity and innovation, and enhanced reputation. However, diversity initiatives can be met with resistance, communication barriers, stereotyping, and bias. It is essential to establish a culture of inclusivity and respect, where individuals feel valued and appreciated for their unique contributions. By embracing diversity, organizations can create a more productive, engaged, and innovative workforce.

2. The challenges of diversity in different institutions

Diversity is a term that describes the differences among people, whether they are cultural, ethnic, racial, linguistic, gender, or sexual orientation differences. While diversity is often celebrated, it can also pose challenges, especially in institutions such as schools, workplaces, and governments. This essay will explore the challenges of diversity in different institutions and how they can be addressed.

Challenges of Diversity in Schools

Schools are meant to be places where students can learn and grow, but diversity can sometimes be a challenge. Students who come from different backgrounds may face discrimination and exclusion from their peers, which can affect their ability to learn and thrive.

Teachers may also struggle to provide a curriculum that is inclusive of all students experiences and perspectives. Addressing these challenges requires a commitment to creating an inclusive environment where all students feel valued and respected.

Challenges of Diversity in the Workplace

Workplaces are becoming increasingly diverse, but this diversity can pose challenges. Employees from different cultural backgrounds may struggle to communicate effectively or may feel excluded from the workplace culture. Discrimination and bias can also be a problem, as can the assumption that everyone shares the same experiences and perspectives. To address these challenges, employers need to be proactive in creating a workplace culture that values diversity and promotes inclusivity. This can involve training and education for employees, as well as policies and procedures that support diversity and inclusion.

Challenges of Diversity in Government

Governments are responsible for serving diverse populations, but this can be a challenge. Members of different cultural and linguistic groups may have different needs and expectations from their government, and some groups may face discrimination or exclusion. 

To address these challenges, governments need to be proactive in engaging with diverse communities and ensuring that their policies and programs are inclusive. This can involve outreach and consultation with community groups, as well as the development of policies that reflect the needs and perspectives of diverse communities.

Ways to Address the Challenges of Diversity

Addressing the challenges of diversity requires a commitment to creating inclusive environments where all individuals feel valued and respected. This can involve several strategies, including education and training, policies and procedures, and community engagement.

Education and training can help individuals better understand the experiences and perspectives of those from different backgrounds. This can involve training programs for employees or professional development opportunities for teachers. It can also involve curriculum changes in schools that better reflect the experiences and perspectives of diverse students.

Policies and procedures can also play a role in promoting diversity and inclusion. This can involve policies that prohibit discrimination and harassment in the workplace or schools. It can also involve policies that promote diversity in hiring or that ensure that government programs and services are inclusive of all members of the community.

Community engagement is also an important strategy for promoting diversity and inclusion. This can involve outreach to community groups and the development of partnerships with organizations that serve diverse communities. It can also involve the creation of advisory committees or other mechanisms for engaging with diverse populations.

In conclusion, diversity is an important aspect of our society, but it can also pose challenges in different institutions. Schools, workplaces, and governments need to be proactive in creating inclusive environments where all individuals feel valued and respected. This requires a commitment to education and training, policies and procedures that promote diversity and inclusion, and community engagement. By addressing the challenges of diversity, we can create a more equitable and inclusive society for all.

3. Ideas on how to Reduce Discrimination in Society

Racial discrimination is a pervasive issue that has plagued society for centuries. It is a problem that continues to affect individuals and communities around the world. Discrimination is an act that denies individuals equal rights, opportunities, and treatment based on their race or ethnicity. The impacts of racism are far-reaching, and it affects individuals' economic, social, and emotional well-being. Therefore, there is a need for collective efforts to reduce racial discrimination and promote social justice. This essay discusses some of the best ways to reduce racial discrimination in society.

Education and Awareness

Education is a powerful tool that can help reduce racial discrimination. Education is essential in teaching individuals about diversity, equity, and inclusion. When people understand the impact of racism, they are more likely to become allies and advocates for change. Education can take many forms, such as books, documentaries, and workshops. 

Institutions can also incorporate cultural competency training into their curriculum to educate students and faculty members about the impact of discrimination. It is essential to recognize the different forms of discrimination, including implicit bias, microaggressions, and institutional racism, to address them appropriately.

Political Action

Political action is another way to reduce racial discrimination in society. Leaders at the local, state, and federal levels can enact policies that promote equality and diversity. Policies such as affirmative action and diversity initiatives can promote inclusion in the workforce and educational institutions. 

Politicians can also pass laws that make racial discrimination illegal and provide support to victims of discrimination. It is essential to recognize that racism is a systemic issue that requires political action to address.

Community Engagement

Community engagement is an important way to reduce racial discrimination. Building strong communities that are inclusive and diverse can help reduce racism. Communities can engage in activities that promote diversity, such as cultural festivals, food fairs, and art exhibits. 

These events can help build bridges between different communities and promote understanding. Community members can also engage in conversations about racism and work together to address it. This can create a sense of belonging and unity that can help reduce discrimination.

Diversity in Institutions

Institutions play a significant role in reducing racial discrimination. Institutions such as schools, businesses, and government agencies can promote diversity by recruiting and retaining individuals from diverse backgrounds. A diverse workforce or student body can help reduce discrimination by promoting inclusion and understanding. 

Institutions can also create policies that promote equality and diversity, such as flexible work arrangements, diversity training, and bias reporting systems. It is important to ensure that institutions are representative of the communities they serve to reduce discrimination.

In conclusion, reducing racial discrimination requires a collective effort from individuals, institutions, and political leaders. Education and awareness, political action, community engagement, and diversity in institutions are all effective ways to address discrimination. It is important to recognize that reducing discrimination is a long-term effort that requires commitment and perseverance. By working together, we can create a more inclusive and equitable society that values diversity and promotes social justice.

Final Words

In conclusion, embracing diversity and inclusion is crucial for creating a more equitable and harmonious society. Whether it's through recognizing and celebrating racial diversity and cultural diversity, fostering a sense of belonging for all individuals, or actively working to combat discrimination and prejudice, we must prioritize these values in all aspects of our lives. By championing diversity and inclusion, we can cultivate a richer, more vibrant world that values the unique perspectives and experiences of all people. By embracing diversity and inclusion, we can build a better future for ourselves and for generations to come.

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Home — Essay Samples — Social Issues — Diversity — Promoting the Diversity and Inclusion within the Workplace


Promoting Diversity and Inclusion Within The Workplace

  • Categories: Diversity Workplace

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Words: 904 |

Published: Nov 15, 2018

Words: 904 | Pages: 2 | 5 min read

  • being aware of our own beliefs and behaviors and how this may influence the way we treat others
  • listening with an open mind to understand different points of view
  • being proactive in offering support to others
  • encourage team members and help each other
  • regularly reinforcing behaviors (e.g. as a part of team meetings)
  • providing feedback on employee behaviors in relation to inclusivity as a part of performance reviews
  • ensuring that teams are not overly influenced by a small number of individuals by seeking out perspectives of all team members and encouraging full participation
  • treating women equally at par and not trying to belittle them (e.g. not automatically making an assumption that a woman in the team should be taking the meeting minutes)
  • creating opportunities for team members to get to know each other beyond their job roles.
  • Promptly addressing misunderstandings, such as providing feedback when the impact of their actions inadvertently differ from their intent
  • Taking prompt action when disrespectful incidents occur, such as inappropriate jokes or language, or when people are excluded
  • Ensuring consequences are in place for repeated inappropriate behavior.
  • Maintaining a culture that embraces gender equality
  • Undertaking a culture survey
  • Raising awareness of the detrimental effects of gender stereotypes and areas of unconscious bias
  • Including the expectation of equitable and inclusive behaviors as a part of the induction for all new employees and a compulsory part of ongoing employee performance review discussions.
  • Commit to boosting our own cultural competency.
  • Cross cultural communication.
  • Having seminars to educate about other cultural traditions.
  • Actively seek out new perspectives and ideas for any problems globally across the team (People from different cultures and background may take a different approach to issues).
  • Creating a workplace where different perspectives are valued and embraced can go a long way and take the hospital to even greater heights.
  • Treat others how they want to be treated and not to “treat others how you want to be treated”
  • Always be considerate and sensitive to the boundaries and expectations of others. For example, understanding how different cultures perceive a handshake, maintaining eye contact or the boundaries of personal space can help to avert misunderstandings.
  • Very important when in doubt, ask if you accidentally caused offense, apologize. This will be appreciated.
  • Being respectful of personal and cultural boundaries, and encouraging your colleagues to do the same through your example, will make the workplace more welcoming and productive for everyone.
  • Observe diverse traditions, celebrations, and holidays from other culture.

Works Cited

  • Bell, M. P. (2012). Diversity in organizations. Cengage Learning.
  • Cox, T. (1994). Cultural diversity in organizations: Theory, research and practice. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
  • Deane, B. R., & Stokols, D. (2018). Community interventions for health and wellbeing: Theory, practice, and outcomes. Routledge.
  • Harvard Business Review. (2013). Diversity & Inclusion. Harvard Business School Publishing.
  • Herring, C. (2009). Does diversity pay?: Race, gender, and the business case for diversity. American Sociological Review, 74(2), 208-224.
  • Madsen, S. R., & Shafritz, J. M. (2010). Essentials of business ethics. Penguin.
  • Pless, N. M., & Maak, T. (2004). Building an inclusive diversity culture: Principles, processes and practice. Journal of Business Ethics, 54(2), 129-147.
  • Roberson, Q. M., & Park, H. J. (2007). Examining the link between diversity and firm performance: The effects of diversity reputation and leader racial diversity. Group & Organization Management, 32(5), 548-568.
  • Robinson, V. M., & Hayday, S. (2015). The positive effects of diversity management on innovation: An empirical study in the UK hospitality industry. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 27(2), 168-182.
  • Thomas, R. R., & Ely, R. J. (1996). Making differences matter: A new paradigm for managing diversity. Harvard Business Review, 74(5), 79-90.

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Essay on Inclusivity and Plurality are the Hallmarks of a Peaceful Society

Students are often asked to write an essay on Inclusivity and Plurality are the Hallmarks of a Peaceful Society in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Inclusivity and Plurality are the Hallmarks of a Peaceful Society

Understanding inclusivity and plurality.

Inclusivity means making sure everyone feels valued. Plurality is about accepting different opinions, cultures, and lifestyles. These are very important for a peaceful society. A society where everyone is included and different views are respected is a happy place to live.

Why Inclusivity Matters

Inclusivity is like inviting everyone to a party. If everyone is invited, they feel happy. If someone is left out, they feel sad. In a society, when everyone is included, they feel safe and respected. This leads to peace.

Plurality’s Role

Plurality is like a salad bowl. Each ingredient keeps its unique taste, but together they make a delicious salad. In a society, each person can have different beliefs, but they can still live together in peace.

Inclusivity and Plurality Together

When inclusivity and plurality work together, society becomes peaceful. Everyone feels valued and respected. Different views are accepted. This makes people happy, and they live together in harmony.

Inclusivity and plurality are like the two wheels of a bicycle. Both are needed for a society to move forward peacefully. They make everyone feel valued and accepted. This leads to a peaceful society.

250 Words Essay on Inclusivity and Plurality are the Hallmarks of a Peaceful Society

Understanding peaceful society.

A peaceful society is like a big family where everyone lives happily. In such a society, people respect each other’s differences. They understand that everyone is unique and has different thoughts, beliefs, and ways of life. This is what we call ‘inclusivity’ and ‘plurality’.

Inclusivity: Accepting Everyone

Inclusivity is like opening your arms wide and welcoming everyone, no matter how different they are. It’s about making sure that everyone feels like they belong. It’s like a school where every student, whether they are good at sports, art, or studies, feels important and valued.

Plurality: Celebrating Differences

Plurality is when we happily accept that there are many ways of thinking and living. It’s like a garden full of different types of flowers. Each flower has its own color, shape, and scent. But together, they make the garden beautiful.

Peaceful Society: A Happy Family

When a society is inclusive and plural, it is peaceful. People live together in harmony, like a happy family. They respect each other’s differences and work together to make their society better. It’s like a football team where each player has a different role, but they all work together to win the game.

In conclusion, inclusivity and plurality make a society peaceful. Like a family or a team, people in such a society work together, respect each other, and make their society better. So, let’s all try to be more accepting and celebrate our differences. Because that’s what makes our society peaceful and beautiful.

500 Words Essay on Inclusivity and Plurality are the Hallmarks of a Peaceful Society


Inclusivity and plurality are like the two pillars that hold up a peaceful society. In simple words, inclusivity means to include everyone, no matter who they are or where they come from. Plurality means to accept and respect different beliefs, ideas, and ways of life. Together, they create a society where everyone feels welcome and valued.

Inclusivity in Society

In an inclusive society, everyone is treated with fairness and respect. This means that no one is left out because of their race, religion, age, gender, or any other factor. Everyone is given the same opportunities to learn, work, and live. For example, in a classroom, a good teacher will make sure that all students have an equal chance to participate and learn, no matter their background or abilities.

Inclusivity also means that everyone’s voice is heard. It is not just about treating everyone the same, but also about listening to different points of view. This can lead to better decisions and solutions because we are using the wisdom and experience of all members of society.

Plurality in Society

Plurality, on the other hand, is about accepting and respecting differences. In a plural society, different cultures, religions, and ideas coexist peacefully. People are free to be themselves without fear of being judged or excluded.

Plurality also means that we learn from each other. By being open to different ways of thinking and living, we can grow as individuals and as a society. We can learn new things, understand different perspectives, and become more tolerant and understanding.

The Link Between Inclusivity, Plurality, and Peace

Inclusivity and plurality are important for peace because they create a society where everyone feels valued and respected. When people feel that they are a part of society and that their differences are accepted, there is less chance for conflict.

People are less likely to fight or argue when they feel understood and included. They are more likely to work together to solve problems and make the society better. This leads to a peaceful and harmonious society.

In conclusion, inclusivity and plurality are the hallmarks of a peaceful society. They make sure that everyone is included and respected, and that different ideas and cultures can coexist peacefully. By promoting inclusivity and plurality, we can create a society where everyone feels valued and peace can flourish. Remember, a society is like a beautiful garden, and each one of us is a unique flower that adds to its beauty. Let’s make our garden beautiful and peaceful by embracing inclusivity and plurality.

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Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging in the Workplace Essay

Introduction, observation summary and experience, significant factors underlying the experience or observation, reconstructing – reconstruction of future practice or professional understanding.

Workplace inclusion, diversity, and belonging have developed into crucial components of a philosophy that permeates all enterprises. Due to the value they provide, hose concepts swiftly ascend to the forefront of enterprises’ priorities. They not only help to create more content, open-minded, and productive staff, but they also enhance the financial performance of the companies.

Nevertheless, building a multicultural and welcoming work atmosphere remains one of today’s greatest difficulties. It requires more than a training film or a talk on being kind to employees to achieve real diversity and inclusion. Numerous reputable firms have been making efforts to establish, enhance, and continuously monitor these values on a variety of fronts, including employment, promotions, opportunities, conduct, and more.

The commercial argument for this is becoming more widely understood. Although social justice is frequently the driving force behind these initiatives, businesses have started to see belonging, inclusion, and diversity as key success factors, more particularly, as crucial facilitators of development.

There are three main concepts that serve as the base for the paper – inclusivity, diversity, and belonging. Included are people’s participation and empowerment. People are valued and respected when they are included. When they are their true selves, employees perform at their best. One has to feel included in order to be one’s true self. In the workplace, diversity contains all aspects of the human experience, including ethnicity, financial background, community, gender and sexual identity, religion, and culture. It necessitates the eradication of all prejudices and the use of exclusively merit-based hiring.

When an employee feels accepted, included, and has a sense of identification with a particular organization, group, or location, they are said to have a sense of belonging, which is a sense of safety and support (Traavik, 2019). Employee perceptions of their reception among coworkers and inclusion for suitable changes, activities, and more are influenced by how they feel appreciated, acknowledged, and included at work. Thus, the paper aims to provide a reflection on the three critical workplace factors and analyze their role and importance in the organization.

In order to get a deeper understanding of diversity and inclusivity, there is an example of an incident that happened at Google regarding those issues. A former Google employee filed a lawsuit against the business on Friday, alleging that it routinely discriminated against Black employees by assigning them to lower-level positions, underpaying them, and depriving them of advancement prospects. April Curley, who was employed at Google since 2014 before being fired in 2020, is the complainant (Wakabayash, 2022).

While working there, Ms. Curley created initiatives to attract candidates from historically Black institutions and universities, which assisted the corporation in hiring Black personnel. She claimed that “Google maintains employment rules and procedures that have a discriminatory impact against Black employees all across the United States and is involved in a countrywide pattern or practice of deliberate race discrimination and retaliation (Wakabayash, 2022).

According to the lawsuit, Google often employed Black employees with lower job statuses than were suitable for their level of expertise (Wakabayash, 2022). Pay is linked to work for groups; hence the business was able to pay Black employees less than their white counterparts.

The lawsuit reflects several grievances Black workers have made throughout the years regarding working at Google. Even as it expanded into one of the biggest private companies in the country, the business has had trouble diversifying its workforce in terms of race and gender, particularly among its highly compensated engineering personnel. 4.4% of Google’s U.S. employees were of different ethnicities, one of which is Black, which is much less than the national average for content creation and search organizations (Wakabayash, 2022).

Ms. Curley also claimed that her workplace was unfriendly. She said that during the course of her six years there, bosses frequently confused her with two other Black coworkers. She said that a boss had asked which of her coworkers she desired to have an intimate relationship with and that neither she nor those coworkers had been given the opportunity to speak or present at crucial meetings. Eventually, Ms. Curley got a decrease in wage and was fired.

However, this experience positively impacted the organization’s approach toward diversity and stimulated it to work on more effective practices. By 2021, they have increased the leadership representation of ethnic minorities by 30%, and by 2025, management expects to have doubled Black+ representation across all of our U.S. locations. Google is concentrating on a lot more than hiring as we work toward our representation objectives.

To enhance hiring, advancement, and engagement for disadvantaged minorities at Google, our recruitment leaders collaborate closely with internal organizations such as Black Googler Network. New onboarding initiatives are being introduced to all members of the program. In addition, the company strives to help Googlers experience the new, improved mental health services and internal mentoring initiatives.

During the observation of the situation, I experienced certain feelings connected with the diverse and inclusive practices in the company. The most frustrating fact is that Google seemed to have more focus on the image of the progressive company when it was not reflecting the reality. Moreover, it is highly possible that not only Google but other organization that portrays themselves as diverse companies follow the same pattern. If such a huge corporation still does not manage to ensure the well-being of all the employees and implement innovative practices, then the overall situation in the workplace might not be positive.

It is devastating that usually, it is hard or even impossible to say if the certain company follows the chosen direction or only pretends to work on the issue. Mostly, due to the employees that have the courage to speak to the public about the inappropriate situations happening in the workplace, people can recognize if the company does any actions.

This incident reflects the major problem that exists in society, and even despite any personal beliefs and biases, it is still a relevant issue. Regarding my personal values, I strongly stand for inclusivity and diversity in general, and I feel that there should be a lot more for people of color and all minorities. For instance, the framework of belonging is something that I use in evaluating the case.

Employees should feel accepted and valued in the company, whose ultimate goal is to provide a safe and secure environment for work. Unfortunately, there were signs that black employees do have such a positive experience in the company, which means that there are certain problems with diversity and inclusivity.

Although I have never experienced anything like that personally, I have read articles and news about such cases in the companies. Even though I did not witness or experience such problems as inclusivity, I learned through the media and conversations with minority representatives about such cases. All the time, the conditions were rather similar when the companies claimed that they stand for inclusivity, but inside, employees experienced discrimination.

Google, for example, demonstrated certain disruptive behavioral patterns in this situation. Although the corporation aimed to hire more black people, the positions that were offered to them were significantly lower than for other ethnicities (Lopez, n.d.). I examined the case through the concept of diversity and inclusion, which was significant in evaluating the incident. Some of the skills regarding those concepts that were useful are openness. Openness to many different types of thoughts, experiences, methods, and practices retains curiosity when faced with something novel, strange, or distinct. It helps to be receptive to new ideas and potential biases.

Moreover, being open to new ideas and perspectives enables us to solve challenging issues. In addition, it would be helpful to view the situations from different perspectives and broaden the sphere of perception. Taking into account what someone else could be feeling or thinking and actively looking for other points of view to help in decision-making and problem-solving, holding a variety of truths.

Empowering decision-making and voices across a diverse spectrum of identities by adopting a different perspective allows for better comprehension of cultural variances and fosters justice and belonging. Those skills will be useful; for example, I evaluate the organizational performance regarding inclusivity and diversity.

The major factor that underlines the observation is the existence of quantity, but not the quality of the diversity practices. The company hired racial minorities but failed to provide them with opportunities for development and made them experience a lack of sense of belonging (Adejumo, (2021). The experience was driven by compliance since Google’s statement did not manage the actions.

The situation was beneficial for the organization even though they were sued by the ex-employee; it made them reconstruct the way the professional responsibilities were distributed among the racial minorities. Thus, eventually, it had positive results on the corporation’s culture and values. Diversity and inclusivity are a priority at the CEO level, and they are valued at all organizational levels of management from the concept of inclusion.

From the case of Google, I have learned that the company’s purposes and actions do not always match each other. It is important to evaluate not only the visible outcomes but look deeper into what is happening inside the organization. Through the concepts of diversity, inclusion, and belonging, I would suggest certain methods for the improvement of the situation in the company. Firstly, increasing cultural variety provides insights into fostering well-being for all people and utilizing diversity’s advantages at work, which improves performance (Krause, 2019).

Secondly, position advertising can explicitly mention the purpose of hiring and retaining a multicultural workforce that provides an inclusive atmosphere in order to improve and encourage candidate pool diversity (Martinez-Acosta & Favero, 2018).

Finally, bullying occurs often in this context, whether it occurs at work, in social settings, or in an educational environment. It is crucial to inform workers about the value of inclusion and diversity of all kinds (Prayson & Rowe, 2019). People need to believe there is a place they can turn to for support and assistance if they are being bullied, and such conduct has to be handled immediately.

Overall, the paper provided a reflection on the three critical workplace factors such as diversity, inclusivity, and belonging, and analyzed their role and importance in the organization. Those frameworks are necessary to apply to ensure the development and productivity of the organization along as well being of each employee.

Although companies try to use some methods to promote diversity, it may not be enough for full inclusion and requires more work and strategic planning. Eventually, it benefits not only the employee but the corporation themselves due to the greater variety of people in the workplace with different backgrounds and creative perspectives.

Wakabayash, D. (2022). The lawsuit accuses Google of bias against black employees. New-York Times. Web.

Lopez, C. How we’re making progress on our representation goals . (n.d.). Google Belonging. Web.

Krause, W. (2019). Leading in times of cultural diversity: Achieving wellbeing, inclusivity, and organizational performance. In The Routledge companion to management and workplace spirituality (pp. 250-260). Routledge.

Martinez-Acosta, V. G., & Favero, C. B. (2018). A discussion of diversity and inclusivity at the institutional level: The need for a strategic plan. Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education , 16 (3), A252.

Prayson, R. A., & Rowe, J. J. (2019). LGBTQ Inclusivity and Language in the Workplace. Critical Values , 12 (2), 28-30. Web.

Adejumo, V. (2021). Beyond diversity, inclusion, and belonging. Leadership , 17 (1), 62-73.

Traavik, L. E. (2019). Where differences dwell: inclusion and the healthy workplace. In Creating psychologically healthy workplaces (pp. 215-234). Edward Elgar Publishing. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2023, October 21). Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging in the Workplace. https://ivypanda.com/essays/diversity-inclusion-and-belonging-in-the-workplace/

"Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging in the Workplace." IvyPanda , 21 Oct. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/diversity-inclusion-and-belonging-in-the-workplace/.

IvyPanda . (2023) 'Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging in the Workplace'. 21 October.

IvyPanda . 2023. "Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging in the Workplace." October 21, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/diversity-inclusion-and-belonging-in-the-workplace/.

1. IvyPanda . "Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging in the Workplace." October 21, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/diversity-inclusion-and-belonging-in-the-workplace/.


IvyPanda . "Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging in the Workplace." October 21, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/diversity-inclusion-and-belonging-in-the-workplace/.

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