- Complete List of Questions
- What causes magnetism?
- What is a Tesla?
- Who was Tesla?
- What is a Gauss?
- How strong is 3.0T?
- What is a gradient?
- Aren't gradients coils?
- What is susceptibility?
- How to levitate a frog?
- What is ferromagnetism?
- Superparamagnetism?
- Types of magnets?
- Brands of scanners?
- Which way does field point?
- Which is the north pole?
- Low v mid v high field?
- Advantages to low-field?
- Disadvantages?
- What is homogeneity?
- Why homogeneity?
- Why shimming?
- Passive shimming?
- Active shimming?
- Superconductivity?
- Perpetual motion?
- How to ramp?
- Superconductive design?
- Room Temp supercon?
- Liquid helium use?
- What is a quench?
- Is field ever turned off?
- Emergency stop button?
- Gradient coils?
- How do z-gradients work?
- X- and Y- gradients?
- Open scanner gradients?
- Eddy current problems?
- Active shielded gradients?
- Active shield confusion?
- What is pre-emphasis?
- Gradient heating?
- Gradient specifications?
- Gradient linearity?
- Many kinds of coils?
- Radiofrequency waves?
- Phase v frequency?
- RF Coil function(s)?
- RF-transmit coils?
- LP vs CP (Quadrature)?
- Multi-transmit RF?
- Receive-only coils?
- Array coils?
- MR system layout?
- What are fringe fields?
- How to reduce fringe?
- Magnetic shielding?
- Need for vibration testing?
- What's that noise?
- Why RF Shielding?
- Wires/tubes thru wall?
- ACR Safety Zones?
- MR safety screening?
- Incomplete screening?
- Passive v active implants?
- Conditional implants?
- Common safety issues?
- Projectiles?
- Metal detectors?
- Pregnant patients?
- Postop, ER & ICU patients?
- Temperature monitoring?
- Orbital foreign bodies?
- Bullets and shrapnel?
- "Dangerous" metals?
- "Safe" metals?
- Magnetizing metal?
- Object shape?
- Forces on metal?
- Most dangerous place?
- Force/torque testing?
- Static field bioeffects?
- Dizziness/Vertigo?
- Flickering lights?
- Metallic taste?
- RF safety overview?
- RF biological effects?
- What is SAR?
- SAR limits?
- Operating modes?
- How to reduce SAR?
- Estimate implant heating?
- SED vs SAR?
- B1+rms vs SAR?
- Personnel exposure?
- Cell phones?
- Gradient safety overview
- Acoustic noise?
- Nerve stimulation?
- Gradient vs RF heating?
- Aneurysm coils/clips?
- Shunts/drains?
- Pressure monitors/bolts?
- Deep brain stimulators?
- Spinal cord stimulators?
- Vagal nerve stimulators?
- Cranial electrodes?
- Carotid clamps?
- Peripheral stimulators?
- Epidural catheters?
- Additional orbit safety?
- Cochlear Implants?
- Bone conduction implants?
- Other ear implants?
- Dental/facial implants?
- ET tubes & airways?
- Breast tissue expanders?
- Breast biopsy markers?
- Airway stents/valves/coils?
- Respiratory stimulators?
- Ports/vascular access?
- Swan-Ganz catheters?
- IVC filters?
- Implanted infusion pumps?
- Insulin pumps & CGMs?
- Vascular stents/grafts?
- Sternal wires/implants?
- Pacemaker dangers?
- Pacemaker terminology?
- New/'Safe" Pacemakers?
- Old/Legacy Pacemakers?
- Violating the conditions?
- Epicardial pacers/leads?
- Cardiac monitors?
- Heart valves?
- Miscellaneous CV devices?
- PIllCam and capsules?
- Gastric pacemakers?
- Other GI devices?
- Contraceptive devices?
- Foley catheters?
- Incontinence devices?
- Penile Implants?
- Sacral nerve stimulators?
- GU stents and other?
- Orthopedic hardware?
- External fixators?
- Traction and halos?
- Bone stimulators?
- Magnetic rods?
- What is spin?
- Why I = ½, 1, etc?
- Proton = nucleus = spin?
- Predict nuclear spin (I)?
- Magnetic dipole moment?
- Gyromagnetic ratio (γ)?
- "Spin" vs "Spin state"?
- Energy splitting?
- Fall to lowest state?
- Quantum "reality"?
- Why precession?
- Who was Larmor?
- Energy for precession?
- Chemical shift?
- Net magnetization (M)?
- Does M instantly appear?
- Does M also precess?
- Does precession = NMR?
- MR vs MRI vs NMR?
- Who discovered NMR?
- How does B1 tip M?
- Why at Larmor frequency?
- What is flip angle?
- Spins precess after 180°?
- Phase coherence?
- Release of RF energy?
- Rotating frame?
- Off-resonance?
- Adiabatic excitation?
- Adiabatic pulses?
- Bloch equations?
- What is T1?
- What is T2?
- Relaxation rate vs time?
- Why is T1 > T2?
- Causes of Relaxation?
- Dipole-dipole interactions?
- Chemical Exchange?
- Spin-Spin interactions?
- Macromolecule effects?
- Which H's produce signal?
- "Invisible" protons?
- Magnetization Transfer?
- Bo effect on T1 & T2?
- How to predict T1 & T2?
- T1 bright? - fat
- T1 bright? - other oils
- T1 bright? - cholesterol
- T1 bright? - calcifications
- T1 bright? - meconium
- T1 bright? - melanin
- T1 bright? - protein/mucin
- T1 bright? - myelin
- Magic angle?
- MT Imaging/Contrast?
- Origin of MR signal?
- Free Induction Decay?
- Gradient echo?
- 90°-90° Hahn Echo?
- Stimulated echoes?
- STEs for imaging?
- 4 or more RF-pulses?
- Partial flip angles?
- How is signal higher?
- Optimal flip angle?
- SE vs Multi-SE vs FSE?
- Image contrast: TR/TE?
- Opposite effects ↑T1 ↑T2?
- Meaning of weighting?
- Does SE correct for T2?
- Effect of 180° on Mz?
- Direction of 180° pulse?
- What is IR?
- Why use IR?
- Phase-sensitive IR?
- Why not PSIR always?
- Choice of IR parameters?
- TI to null a tissue?
- IR-prepped sequences?
- Multi-echo GRE?
- Types of GRE sequences?
- Commercial Acronyms?
- Spoiling - what and how?
- Spoiled-GRE parameters?
- Spoiled for T1W only?
- What is SSFP?
- GRASS/FISP: how?
- GRASS/FISP: parameters?
- What is susceptibility (χ)?
- What's wrong with GRE?
- Making an SW image?
- Phase of blood v Ca++?
- Quantitative susceptibility?
- What is diffusion?
- Iso-/Anisotropic diffusion?
- "Apparent" diffusion?
- Making a DW image?
- What is the b-value?
- Trace vs ADC map?
- Light/dark reversal?
- T2 "shine through"?
- Exponential ADC?
- T2 "black-out"?
- DWI bright causes?
- Diffusion Tensor?
- DTI (tensor imaging)?
- Whole body DWI?
- Readout-segmented DWI?
- Small FOV DWI?
- Diffusion Kurtosis?
- Fat & Water properties?
- F-W chemical shift?
- In-phase/out-of-phase?
- Best method?
- Dixon method?
- "Fat-sat" pulses?
- Water excitation?
- Angular frequency (ω)?
- Signal squiggles?
- Real v Imaginary?
- Fourier Transform (FT)?
- What are 2D- & 3D-FTs?
- Who invented MRI?
- How to locate signals?
- Frequency encoding?
- Receiver bandwidth?
- Narrow bandwidth?
- Slice-selective excitation?
- SS gradient lobes?
- Cross-talk?
- Frequency encode all?
- Mixing of slices?
- Two slices at once?
- Simultaneous Multi-Slice?
- Phase-encoding gradient?
- Single PE step?
- What is phase-encoding?
- PE and FE together?
- 2DFT reconstruction?
- Choosing PE/FE direction?
- What are the steps?
- Automatic prescan?
- Routine shimming?
- Coil tuning/matching?
- Center frequency?
- Transmitter gain?
- Receiver gain?
- Dummy cycles?
- Where's my data?
- MR Tech qualifications?
- Who regulates MRI?
- Who accredits?
- Mandatory accreditation?
- Routine quality control?
- MR phantoms?
- Geometric accuracy?
- Image uniformity?
- Slice parameters?
- Image resolution?
- Signal-to-noise?
- What is k-space?
- Parts of k-space?
- What does "k" stand for?
- Spatial frequencies?
- Locations in k-space?
- Data for k-space?
- Why signal ↔ k-space?
- Spin-warp imaging?
- Big spot in middle?
- K-space trajectories?
- Radial sampling?
- K-space grid?
- Negative frequencies?
- Field-of-view (FOV)
- Rectangular FOV?
- Partial Fourier?
- Phase symmetry?
- Read symmetry?
- Why not use both?
- What is FSE/TSE?
- FSE parameters?
- Bright Fat?
- Other FSE differences?
- Dual-echo FSE?
- Driven equilibrium?
- Reduced flip angle FSE?
- Hyperechoes?
- Echo-planar imaging?
- What is PI?
- How is PI different?
- PI coils and sequences?
- Why and when to use?
- Two types of PI?
- Compressed sensing?
- Noise in PI?
- Artifacts in PI?
- Why Gadolinium?
- Paramagnetic relaxation?
- What is relaxivity?
- Why does Gd shorten T1?
- Does Gd affect T2?
- Gd & field strength?
- Best T1-pulse sequence?
- Triple dose and MT?
- Dynamic CE imaging?
- Gadolinium on CT?
- So many Gd agents!
- Important properties?
- Ionic v non-ionic?
- Intra-articular/thecal Gd?
- Gd liver agents (Eovist)?
- Mn agents (Teslascan)?
- Feridex & Liver Agents?
- Lymph node agents?
- Ferumoxytol?
- Blood pool (Ablavar)?
- Bowel contrast agents?
- Gadolinium safety?
- Allergic reactions?
- Renal toxicity?
- What is NSF?
- NSF by agent?
- Informed consent for Gd?
- Gd protocol?
- Is Gd safe in infants?
- Reduced dose in infants?
- Gd in breast milk?
- Gd in pregnancy?
- Gd accumulation?
- Gd deposition disease?
- Defining flow?
- Expected velocities?
- Laminar v turbulent?
- Predicting MR of flow?
- Time-of-flight effects?
- Spin phase effects?
- Why GRE ↑ flow signal?
- Slow flow v thrombus?
- Even-echo rephasing?
- Flow-compensation?
- Flow misregistration?
- MRA methods?
- Dark vs bright blood?
- Time-of-Flight (TOF) MRA?
- 2D vs 3D MRA?
- MRA parameters?
- Ramped flip angle?
- Fat-suppressed MRA?
- TOF MRA Artifacts?
- Phase-contrast MRA?
- What is VENC?
- Measuring flow?
- 4D Flow Imaging?
- How accurate?
- Gated 3D FSE MRA?
- 3D FSE MRA parameters?
- Inflow-enhanced SSFP?
- MRA with ASL?
- Other MRA methods?
- Contrast-enhanced MRA?
- Timing the bolus?
- View ordering in MRA?
- Bolus chasing?
- CE-MRA artifacts?
- Cardiac protocols?
- Patient prep?
- EKG problems?
- Magnet changes EKG?
- Gating v triggering?
- Gating parameters?
- Heart navigators?
- Dark blood/Double IR?
- Why not single IR?
- Polar plots?
- Coronary artery MRA?
- Beating heart movies?
- Cine parameters?
- Real-time cine?
- Ventricular function?
- Tagging/SPAMM?
- Perfusion: why and how?
- 1st pass perfusion?
- Quantifying perfusion?
- Dark rim artifact
- Gd enhancement?
- TI to null myocardium?
- PS (phase-sensitive) IR?
- Wideband LGE?
- T1 mapping?
- Iron/T2*-mapping?
- Edema/T2-mapping?
- Why/how stress test?
- Stess drugs/agents?
- Stress consent form?
- Chemical shift artifact?
- Chemical shift in phase?
- Reducing chemical shift?
- Chemical Shift 2nd Kind?
- In-phase/out-of phase?
- IR bounce point?
- Susceptibility artifact?
- Metal suppression?
- Dielectric effect?
- Dielectric Pads?
- Why discrete ghosts?
- Motion artifact direction?
- Reducing motion artifacts?
- Saturation pulses?
- Gating methods?
- Respiratory comp?
- Navigator echoes?
- Partial volume effects?
- Slice overlap?
- Wrap-around artifact?
- Eliminate wrap-around?
- Phase oversampling?
- Frequency wrap-around?
- Spiral/radial artifacts?
- Gibbs artifact?
- Nyquist (N/2) ghosts?
- Zipper artifact?
- Data artifacts?
- Surface coil flare?
- MRA Artifacts (TOF)?
- MRA artifacts (CE)?
- Measuring perfusion?
- Meaning of CBF, MTT etc?
- DSC v DCE v ASL?
- How to perform DSC?
- Bolus Gd effect?
- T1 effects on DSC?
- DSC recirculation?
- DSC curve analysis?
- DSC signal v [Gd]
- Arterial input (AIF)?
- Quantitative DSC?
- What is DCE?
- How is DCE performed?
- How is DCE analyzed?
- Breast DCE?
- DCE signal v [Gd]
- DCE tissue parmeters?
- Parameters to images?
- K-trans = permeability?
- Utility of DCE?
- What is ASL?
- ASL methods overview?
- ASL parameters?
- ASL artifacts?
- Gadolinium and ASL?
- Vascular color maps?
- Quantifying flow?
- Who invented fMRI?
- How does fMRI work?
- BOLD contrast?
- Why does BOLD ↑ signal?
- Does BOLD=brain activity?
- BOLD pulse sequences?
- fMRI Paradigm design?
- Why "on-off" comparison?
- Motor paradigms?
- Process/analyze fMRI?
- Best fMRI software?
- Data pre-processing?
- Registration/normalization?
- fMRI statistical analysis?
- General Linear Model?
- Activation "blobs"?
- False activation?
- Resting state fMRI?
- Analyze RS-fMRI?
- Network/Graphs?
- fMRI at 7T?
- Mind reading/Lie detector?
- fMRI critique?
- MRI vs MRS?
- Spectra vs images?
- Chemical shift (δ)?
- Measuring δ?
- Backward δ scale?
- Predicting δ?
- Size/shapes of peaks?
- Splitting of peaks?
- Localization methods?
- Single v multi-voxel?
- How-to: brain MRS?
- Water suppression?
- Fat suppression?
- Normal brain spectra?
- Choice of TR/TE/etc?
- Hunter's angle?
- Lactate inversion?
- Metabolite mapping?
- Metabolite quantitation?
- Breast MRS?
- Gd effect on MRS?
- How-to: prostate MRS?
- Prostate spectra?
- Muscle ¹H-MRS?
- Liver ¹H-MRS?
- MRS artifacts?
- Other nuclei?
- Why phosphorus?
- How-to: ³¹P MRS
- Normal ³¹P spectra?
- Organ differences?
- ³¹P measurements?
- Decoupling?
- Carbon MRS?
- Sodium imaging?
- Xenon imaging?
- Artificial Intelligence (AI)?
- What is a neural network?
- Machine Learning (ML)?
- Shallow v Deep ML?
- Shallow networks?
- Deep network types?
- Data prep and fitting?
- Back-Propagation?
- DL 'Playground'?
- What is convolution?
- Convolutional Network?
- Upsampling?
- Limitations/Problems of AI?
- Is the Singularity near?
- AI in clinical MRI?
- Super-resolution?
- Hematoma overview?
- Types of Hemoglobin?
- Hyperacute/Oxy-Hb?
- Acute/Deoxy-Hb?
- Subacute/Met-Hb?
- Deoxy-Hb v Met-Hb?
- Extracellular met-Hb?
- Chronic hematomas?
- Hemichromes?
- Ferritin/Hemosiderin?
- Subarachnoid blood?
- Blood at lower fields?
- T2 cartilage mapping
- MR Elastography?
- Synthetic MRI?
- Amide Proton Transfer?
- MR thermography?
- Electric Properties Imaging?
- Copyright Issues
- Legal Disclaimers
- Forums/Blogs/Links
- Magnets & Scanners Quiz
- Safety & Screening Quiz
- NMR Phenomenon Quiz
- Pulse Sequences Quiz
- Making an Image Quiz
- K-space & Rapid Quiz
- Contrast & Blood Quiz
- Cardiovascular & MRA Quiz
Advanced Discussion (show/hide)»
Spin-Echo and CPMG Pulse Sequence
Fundamentals of fluid flow in porous media, diffusion coefficient: measurement techniques, nmr method: principles of nmr and processing.
Once the 90° B 1 pulse is turned off, the proton begin to de-phase or lose phase coherency in B 0 (Figure 3‑14). As the net magnetization in the transverse plane decreases, a receiver coil that measures the magnetization in the transverse direction could detect a decay signal in this situation. If the magnetic field was really homogeneous (the amplitude is not a function of x, y or z), the signal would decay with a time constant T 2 . However, since the B 0 has some inhomogeneity, the signal actually decays faster with the time constant T 2 * , which called Free Induction Decay (FID). The FID is very short, which is lasting a few milliseconds. Consequently in the small time interval between the two pulses, very little T 1 , some T 2 de-phasing and substantial T 2 * occurs. The de-phasing resulting from T 2 * occurs at a constant rate since it arises from the spatial inhomogeneity of the magnetic field. T 2 de-phasing on the other hand fluctuates randomly since it results from the interaction among the nuclei themselves. This type of de-phasing provides valuable sample information.
In order to measure T 2 , the signals must be recombined. It can be done by applying an 180° pulse after the 90° pulse (after τ ms) to re-phase the proton magnetization vectors in the transverse plan (Figure 3‑15). In effect, the phase order of the transverse magnetization vectors is reversed, so that the slower vectors are ahead of the faster vectors. The faster vectors overtake the slower vectors, rephrasing occurs, and a signal is generated that is detectable in the receiver coil. This signal is called spin echo. The echo time (TE) defined as the time between the 90° pulse and the re-phasing completion, which is 2 τ .
Only a single echo decay very quickly. One way for determining T 2 from spin echo amplitudes is by repeating the spin echo method several times with very time τ .
In CPMG method a series of 180° pulse are applied at intervals τ , 3 τ , 5 τ , 7 τ , etc., following the 90 o pulse. Echoes are then observed to form at times 2 τ , 4 τ , 6 τ , 8 τ , etc. because the de-phasing resulting from molecular interactions the protons can no longer be completely refocused, and the CPMG spin-echo train will decay. On multiple repetitions of the 180° pulse, the height of the multiple echoes decreases successively as a consequence of T 2 de-phasing (Figure 3‑16).
Browse Course Material
Course info.
- Physics Department Faculty, Lecturers, and Technical Staff
As taught in.
- Atomic, Molecular, Optical Physics
Learning Resource Types
Experimental physics i & ii "junior lab", pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance: spin echoes, description.
Spin echoes experiment equipment.
Magnetic resonances of protons in various substances are studied by the techniques of pulsed NMR and the measurement of spin echoes. Various substances containing protons (water, glycerine, etc.) are placed in a uniform magnetic field and subjected to pulses of a transverse 7.5 MHz radio frequency magnetic field in near resonance with the Larmor precession frequency of the protons.
The spin-lattice and spin-spin relaxation time constants are determined from measurements of the free-induction signals and the spin echoes produced by various combinations of rf pulses. Temperature effects are observed in glycerine, and the effects of paramagnetic ions on the relaxation time constants in water are measured. The magnetic moments of the proton and of the fluorine nucleus are derived from the data.
Pulsed Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: Spin Echoes Lab Guide (PDF)
Experiment References
Bloch, F. “ Nuclear Induction .” The Physical Review 70, no. 7-8 (1946): 460-474.
One of the original papers on magnetic resonance of condensed matter. The majority of current NMR experiments are induction experiments as described by Bloch.
Bloembergen, N., E. M. Purcell, and R. V. Pound. “ Relaxation Effects in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Absorption .” The Physical Review 73, no. 7 (1948): 679-712.
The ‘other’ original paper. Although the actual method used—resonance absorption—is not used very much anymore in NMR, this paper has many valuable discussions, especially on relaxation times.
Hahn, E. L. “ Spin Echos .” The Physical Review 80, no. 4 (1950): 580-594.
The original spin-echo paper. Besides the ‘ordinary’ echos discussed in great detail, this paper has a thorough description of stimulated echoes which were only sporadically used for the following two decades.
———. “ Free Nuclear Induction .” Physics Today 6 (November 1953): 4-9.
A ‘popular’ description of what we now call Hahn echoes. The cover of this particular issue of the journal had the now famous illustration of the racetrack analogy to the spin echoes.
Carr, H. Y., and E. M. Purcell. “ Effects of Diffusion on Free Precession in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance .” The Physical Review 94, no. 3 (1954): 630-638.
The original paper of what we now call the Carr-Purcell echo sequence. Another paper with a wealth of information (such as even-echo rephasing).
Meiboom, S., and D. Gill. “ Modified Spin-Echo Method for Measuring Nuclear Relaxation Times .” The Review of Scientific Instruments 29, no. 8 (1958): 688-691.
A short paper with a major modification of the Carr-Purcell sequence. Without such a modification, it is not possible to generate a long train of echoes. This is an early application of a complex multiple-pulse sequence with phase shifts which have become routine.
Melissinos, A. “Magnetic Resonance Experiments.” In Chapter 8 of Techniques in Experimental Physics . New York, NY: Academic Press, 1966, pp. 340-361.
Instrumentation and Technique Reference
Ernst, R. R., and W. A. Anderson. “ Application of Fourier Transform Spectroscopy to Magnetic Resonance .” The Review of Scientific Instruments 37, no. 1 (1966): 93-102.
Here is a general description of how to design and build fast recovery NMR probes and receiving circuits. The quarter-wave line duplexer that is described is still a common way to decouple the receiver and the transmitter from the probe during transmission and reception, respectively.
Other Good References
Stern, Otto. Nobel Prize Lecture, “ The Method of Molecular Rays .” (1943).
Pake, George E. “ Fundamentals of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Absorption. I ” American Journal of Physics 18, no. 8 (1950): 438-452.
———. “ Fundamentals of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Absorption. II ” American Journal of Physics 18, no. 8 (1950): 473-486.
———. “ Radiofrequency and Microwave Spectroscopy of Nuclei .” Annu Rev Nucl Sci 4 (1954): 33-50.
Bloch, Felix. Nobel Prize Lecture, “ The Principle of Nuclear Induction .” (1952).
Purcell, Edward Mills. Nobel Prize Lecture, “ Research in Nuclear Magnetism .” (1952).
Pound, R. V. “Nuclear Paramagnetic Resonance.” Progr Nuclear Phys 2, no. 21 (1952): 21-50.
Bloembergen, N. Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation: A Reprint Volume. New York, NY: W. A. Benjamin, 1961.
Feynman, Richard P., Robert B. Leighton, and Matthew Sands. “Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.” In The Feynman Lectures on Physics. Vol. II. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1963, Section 35-10 to 35-12. ISBN: 9780201020106.
Harris, Robin K., and Brian E. Mann. “The Measurement of Relaxation Times.” NMR and the Periodic Table. London, UK: Academic Press, 1979, pp. 41-48. ISBN: 9780123276506.
Derome, A. E. “Describing Pulse NMR.” Modern NMR Techniques for Chemistry Research. Oxford, UK: Pergamon Press, 1987, pp. 85-95. ISBN: 9780080325132.
Farrar, T. C. Introduction to Pulse NMR Spectroscopy . Madison, WI: Farragut, 1987, chapters 1-2, and 4, pp. 1-54, 81-95. ISBN: 9780917903045.
Freeman, Ray. “Spin Lattice Relaxation.” A Handbook of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Harlow, UK: Longman, 1988, pp. 251-258. ISBN: 9780582005747.
Selected Resource
A Pulse NMR experiment for an undergraduate physics laboratory (PDF)
A Hahn-echo decay experiment can be used to measure the spin–spin relaxation time, as shown in the animation below. The size of the echo is recorded for different spacings of the two pulses. This reveals the decoherence which is not refocused by the π pulse. In simple cases, an exponential decay is measured which is described by the T 2 time.
The Spin Echo experiment is a pulse sequence designed to reject instrumental contributions to peak broadening. There are several variations in the Spin Echo pulse sequence. The form used in this simulation is . 90° x - τ - 180° y - τ - FID . The sequence begins with the 90° x pulse that is used in the
Oct 26, 2017 · The particle’s spin angular momen-tum along any given direction is quantized, and, for a spin 1 2 particle, takes on the values of +ℏ/2 and −ℏ/2, corresponding to two states we usually refer to as ”spin up” and ”spin down”. The general state (wavefunction) of any such two-state system is a complex superposition of these two spin ...
In fact, spin echoes are formed when two successive RF-pulses of any flip angle are employed! Hahn, in his original paper, used two 90° pulses. When flip angles other than 90° and 180° are employed, the resultant spin echo is sometimes referred to as a Hahn echo.
A pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance technique (spin-echo) is used to determine the T 1 and T 2 relaxation times of proton magnetic mo-ments in several liquid samples. Unlike the continuous radiofrequency field experiment, this experiment uses a pulsed radiofrequency tech-nique which rotates the proton spins successively through 90 and then 180 ...
This signal is called spin echo. The echo time (TE) defined as the time between the 90° pulse and the re-phasing completion, which is 2τ. Figure 3-15: Spin-Echo Sequence. Only a single echo decay very quickly. One way for determining T 2 from spin echo amplitudes is by repeating the spin echo method several times with very time τ.
Spin-Echo Sequences •Basic spin echo •Echo-trains: RARE, FSE, TSE •Efficient T2 and PD contrast •Extreme cases: SSFSE/HASTE •3D Echo trains •Signal considerations •CPMG / Reduced refocusing angles •Modulated echo trains 291
Here we present a lecture note on the principle of the spin echo method in pulsed NMR, which has been given in the class of the Advanced laboratory. This note may be useful to students who start to do the spin echo experiment of pulsed NMR in the Advanced laboratory. One of the authors (MS) has been teaching the Advanced Laboratory course since ...
Spin echoes experiment equipment. Magnetic resonances of protons in various substances are studied by the techniques of pulsed NMR and the measurement of spin echoes. Various substances containing protons (water, glycerine, etc.) are placed in a uniform magnetic field and subjected to pulses of a transverse 7.5 MHz radio frequency magnetic ...
Mar 22, 2013 · The spin echo sequence is a fundamental pulse sequence in MRI. Many of today's applications in routine clinical use are based on this elementary sequence. In this review article, the principles of the spin echo formation are demonstrated on which the generation of the fundamental image contrasts T 1, T 2, and proton density is based. The basic ...