Difference between transportation and assignment problems?
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lets understand the Difference between transportation and assignment problems?
Transportation problems and assignment problems are two types of linear programming problems that arise in different applications.
The main difference between transportation and assignment problems is in the nature of the decision variables and the constraints.
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Additional Difference between Transportation and Assignment Problems are as follows :
Decision Variables:
In a transportation problem, the decision variables represent the flow of goods from sources to destinations. Each variable represents the quantity of goods transported from a source to a destination.
In contrast, in an assignment problem, the decision variables represent the assignment of agents to tasks. Each variable represents whether an agent is assigned to a particular task or not.
In a transportation problem, the constraints ensure that the supply from each source matches the demand at each destination and that the total flow of goods does not exceed the capacity of each source and destination.
In contrast, in an assignment problem, the constraints ensure that each task is assigned to exactly one agent and that each agent is assigned to at most one task.
Objective function:
The objective function in a transportation problem typically involves minimizing the total cost of transportation or maximizing the total profit of transportation.
In an assignment problem, the objective function typically involves minimizing the total cost or maximizing the total benefit of assigning agents to tasks.
In summary,
The transportation problem is concerned with finding the optimal way to transport goods from sources to destinations,
while the assignment problem is concerned with finding the optimal way to assign agents to tasks.
Both problems are important in operations research and have numerous practical applications.
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What is the difference between Assignment Problem and Transportation Problem? - Business Mathematics and Statistics
What is the difference between Assignment Problem and Transportation Problem?
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The assignment problem is a special case of the transportation problem.
The differences are given below:
A job production unit has four jobs A, B, C, D which can be manufactured on each of the four machines P, Q, R and S. The processing cost of each job is given in the following table:
How should the jobs be assigned to the four machines so that the total processing cost is minimum?
Solve the following minimal assignment problem and hence find the minimum value :
Solve the following minimal assignment problem and hence find minimum time where '- ' indicates that job cannot be assigned to the machine :
Choose the correct alternative :
In an assignment problem if number of rows is greater than number of columns then
State whether the following is True or False :
In assignment problem, each facility is capable of performing each task.
Choose the correct alternative:
The assignment problem is said to be balanced if ______
In an assignment problem if number of rows is greater than number of columns, then dummy ______ is added
State whether the following statement is True or False:
The objective of an assignment problem is to assign number of jobs to equal number of persons at maximum cost
What is the Assignment problem?
A job production unit has four jobs P, Q, R, S which can be manufactured on each of the four machines I, II, III and IV. The processing cost of each job for each machine is given in the following table :
Complete the following activity to find the optimal assignment to minimize the total processing cost.
Step 1: Subtract the smallest element in each row from every element of it. New assignment matrix is obtained as follows :
Step 2: Subtract the smallest element in each column from every element of it. New assignment matrix is obtained as above, because each column in it contains one zero.
Step 3: Draw minimum number of vertical and horizontal lines to cover all zeros:
Step 4: From step 3, as the minimum number of straight lines required to cover all zeros in the assignment matrix equals the number of rows/columns. Optimal solution has reached.
Examine the rows one by one starting with the first row with exactly one zero is found. Mark the zero by enclosing it in (`square`), indicating assignment of the job. Cross all the zeros in the same column. This step is shown in the following table :
Step 5: It is observed that all the zeros are assigned and each row and each column contains exactly one assignment. Hence, the optimal (minimum) assignment schedule is :
Hence, total (minimum) processing cost = 25 + 21 + 19 + 34 = ₹`square`
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Difference Between Transportation and Assignment Problems
Both the transportation and the assignment problems are parts of linear programming. While the transportation problem is concerned with the optimal distribution of resources and goods from multiple sources to the destinations, assignment problems deal with the allocation of tasks, resources, and jobs on a one-on-one basis. Both these methods are of inherent use in resource allocation, minimization of cost, planning workforce, management of supply chain, management of time, and decision making.
Transportation Problem
A transportation problem is a Linear Programming problem that involves determining the best solution for transportation and allocating resources to various destinations and from one location to another while keeping costs to a minimal. The primary goal of the Transportation problem is to deliver resources (from source to destination) at the lowest possible cost.
1. Components of the transportation problem
The transportation problem is made up of numerous important components that define its structure and influence how it might be modeled and solved.
- Supply nodes or sources are the points from which products are shipped. These could be factories, warehouses, or distribution centers.
- Demand nodes or destinations are the locations where commodities are delivered. These could include retail stores, consumers, and other warehouses.
- The cost matrix shows the cost of transporting one unit of products from each supply node to each demand node.
- The objective function calculates the overall transportation cost and seeks to minimize it while meeting supply and demand limitations.
- Feasibility Conditions under which a workable solution can be found. These include ensuring that overall supply equals or exceeds total demand.
2. Types of transportation problem
Transportation challenges can be classified depending on a variety of characteristics, including the nature of supply and demand, the structure of the cost matrix, and the constraints involved. It is classified as follows,
- The total supply will be equal to the total demand in a balanced transportation problem.
- In the unbalanced transportation problem, the total supply will not equal the total demand.
- In the symmetric transportation problem, the cost of transporting the goods from a supply node to the demand node is the same in both directions.
- In the asymmetric transportation problem, the transportation cost will be different in each direction.
- It is also categorized as a single and multi-commodity transportation problem depending on the type of goods transported.
3. Solution for the transportation problem
There are four different solution approaches to find the initial and the most feasible solution for the transportation problem.
- North-West Corner Method: The solution is obtained by starting from the top-left corner and working the way down or right to find an initial workable solution.
- Least Cost Method: Selecting the lowest cost cell yields an initial workable answer.
- Vogel’s Approximation Method (VAM): The penalty costs are taken into account to arrive at an initial solution.
- Modified Distribution Method (MODI): This is used to ensure that the initial solution is optimal and, if necessary, improve it.
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Assignment Problem
An Assignment Problem is a form of Transportation Problem in Operations Research that involves assigning workers or instances to jobs or machines. Each origin and destination must be assigned to a single origin. The Hungarian procedure can be used to find the solution for the assignment procedure.
1. Components of Assignment Problem
The components of the assignment problems are the agents, tasks, cost matrix, decision variables, and objective function. Agents are the entities that perform the tasks, and it includes the machines, workers and delivery vehicles. The next component is the jobs or tasks that are to be completed and could be destinations, projects, or activities. The third component is the cost matrix, which depicts the cost associated with each agent completing the activity. The decision variables are binary variables that indicate which agent is assigned to each task.
2. Solutions to solve assignment problems
The Hungarian method is the best approach to solve the assignment problem. The assignment problem can alternatively be handled using linear programming techniques, notably by transforming it into a binary integer programming problem and solving it with methods such as the simple method or specialized algorithms like branch and bound. Heuristic and metaheuristic procedures can be utilized to solve big and complicated assignment issues where accurate methods may be computationally expensive.
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Differences between Transportation and Assignment Problems
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The Transportation Problem and the Assignment Problem
The transportation problem
The transportation problem is a classic optimization problem in the field of operations research and management science. It involves finding the most cost-effective way to transport goods from multiple suppliers to multiple consumers, taking into account supply and demand constraints, as well as transportation costs.
Here are the key components and elements of the transportation problem:
- Suppliers (Sources) : These are the locations or entities that have a supply of goods. For example, these could be factories, warehouses, or distribution centers.
- Consumers (Destinations) : These are the locations or entities that require a certain quantity of goods. Consumers can represent retail stores, customers, or other demand points.
- Supply and Demand : Each supplier has a supply capacity, and each consumer has a demand or requirement for a specific quantity of goods. The total supply must equal the total demand to ensure that all goods are transported.
- Transportation Costs : The cost of shipping a unit of a product from a supplier to a consumer is defined for each possible route (combination of supplier and consumer). These costs can be expressed in terms of transportation costs per unit.
The goal of the transportation problem is to determine the optimal shipping plan that minimizes transportation costs while satisfying supply and demand constraints. This can be formulated as a linear programming problem, and various methods can be used to solve it, including the following:
Objective Function : Minimize the total transportation cost, which is the sum of the product of the quantity shipped and the transportation cost for each route.
Constraints :
- Supply Constraints: Ensure that the total quantity shipped from each supplier does not exceed its supply capacity.
- Demand Constraints: Ensure that the total quantity received by each consumer matches its demand.
Mathematically, the transportation problem can be formulated as a linear program (LP), which can be solved using LP solvers. The optimal solution provides the shipping quantities from each supplier to each consumer which minimizes the total transportation cost.
There are various algorithms and techniques used to solve transportation problems, including the North-West Corner Method, the Least Cost Method, Vogel’s Approximation Method, and the Modified Distribution Method.
The transportation problem has many practical applications, especially in supply chain management, logistics, and distribution network optimization, where it helps in making efficient decisions about how to allocate resources and minimize costs in the transportation of goods.
The Assignment Problem
The Assignment Problem is another classic optimization problem in the field of operations research and management science. It is a special case of the more general linear assignment problem, which involves finding the most cost-efficient way to assign a set of agents to a set of tasks or jobs while minimizing the overall cost or time required for completion. In the assignment problem, each agent must be assigned to exactly one task, and each task must be assigned to exactly one agent.
Key characteristics of the Assignment Problem:
- Agents (Workers) : These are individuals or entities who can perform a set of tasks. Agents are sometimes referred to as workers, employees, or machines.
- Tasks (Jobs) : These are the activities or projects that need to be completed. Each task requires the services of one agent. Tasks are also known as jobs, projects, or assignments.
- Cost or Efficiency Matrix : A square matrix is defined, where each element represents the cost or time required for a specific agent to perform a specific task. The matrix provides the cost of assigning each agent to each task.
The goal of the Assignment Problem is to find an assignment of agents to tasks that minimizes the total cost while ensuring that each agent is assigned to exactly one task, and each task is assigned to exactly one agent.
Mathematically, the problem can be formulated as a linear programming problem with the following components:
Objective Function : Minimize the total cost, which is calculated as the sum of the costs associated with the selected assignments. This is usually a linear combination of the cost matrix elements corresponding to the chosen assignments.
- Assignment Constraints: Each agent must be assigned to exactly one task, and each task must be assigned to exactly one agent. These constraints ensure that a valid assignment is reached.
The Assignment Problem can be solved using various optimization techniques and algorithms, such as the Hungarian algorithm, the Munkres algorithm (a specialized form of the Hungarian algorithm), or linear programming solvers.
Applications of the Assignment Problem are widespread and include tasks such as employee-to-job assignments, machine scheduling, project task allocation, and resource allocation in various fields like manufacturing, logistics, and personnel management.
In summary, the Assignment Problem is a well-defined optimization problem that seeks to find the most cost-effective way to match a set of agents with a set of tasks while adhering to specific assignment constraints. It plays a crucial role in resource allocation and optimization in various real-world scenarios.
Note: The above notes are compiled for students preparing for BBA Hons programs at various universities in accordance with the National Education Policy (NEP)
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The transportation problem is concerned with finding the optimal way to transport goods from sources to destinations, while the assignment problem is concerned with finding the optimal way to assign agents to tasks. Both problems are important in operations research and have numerous practical applications.
Jun 14, 2024 · Transportation Problem deals with the optimal distribution of goods or resources from multiple sources to multiple destinations. While Assignment Problem deals with allocating tasks, jobs, or resources one-to-one.
Transportation problem is a special kind of Linear Programming Problem (LPP) in which goods are transported from a set of sources to a set of destinations subject to the supply and demand of the sources and destination respectively such that the total cost of transportation is minimized. It is also sometimes called as Hitchcock problem.
The assignment problem is a special case of the transportation problem. The differences are given below: 1. This is about reducing the cost of transportation merchandise. 1. This is about assigning finite sources to finite destinations where only one destination is allotted for one source with a minimum cost. 2.
Aug 26, 2020 · If demand and supply are not equal, then transportation problem is known as Unbalanced Transportation Problem. If number of rows and number of columns are not equal, then the assignment problem is known as Unbalanced Assignment Problem.
Sep 13, 2024 · Transportation problems are used to find the minimum cost of transportation of goods from m source to n destination. In this article we will learn transportation problem, formulation, types and finally how it differs from assignment problem.
Jun 22, 2024 · While the transportation problem is concerned with the optimal distribution of resources and goods from multiple sources to the destinations, assignment problems deal with the allocation of tasks, resources, and jobs on a one-on-one basis.
The goal of the transportation problem is to determine the optimal shipping plan that minimizes transportation costs while satisfying supply and demand constraints. This can be formulated as a linear programming problem, and various methods can be used to solve it, including the following:
9.3 The Assignment Problem An instance of the assignment problem is given by n agents and n jobs, and costs c ij for assigning job j to agent i. The goal is to assign exactly one job to each agent at a minimum overall cost, i.e., to minimize Xn i=1 Xn j=1 c ijx ij subject to x ij ∈ {0,1} for all i,j =1,...,n Xn j=1 x ij =1 for all i =1,...,n ...
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