Nov 15, 2024 · An example of a research proposal Occasional truancy: An exploration of pupils’ reasons for avoiding certain lessons in three secondary schools in Spain 1. Introduction Truancy has become a serious problem in many educational contexts around the world, and several authors (e.g., Allen-Meares, Washington, & Welsh, 2000; Teasley, 2004) have linked occasional truancy to eventual school drop-out. ... truancy. Lastly, the paper presents study results and implications. Keywords: absenteeism, truancy and school counselors, school refusal interventions Mills (2011) defines action research (AR) as a systematic inquiry conducted by the principal investigator (PI) to gather information regarding ―their― environment. AR is a great ... Attendance problems and truancy are usually precursors to dropping out of school. Students with atten-dance problems are likely to develop negative social behaviors and personal practices not acceptable in the business world. Since 1986, the National Dropout Prevention Center/Network (NDPC/N) has conducted and analyzed research, sponsored extensive ... Jul 5, 2012 · Truancy is a significant problem in the U.S. and in other countries around the world. Truancy has been linked to serious immediate and far-reaching consequences for youth, families, and schools and communities, leading researchers, practiti oners, and policy makers to try to understand and to address the problem. ... truancy; notes truancy’s role as a predictor of delinquency, including juvenile daytime crime; and tallies truancy’s social and financial impacts. Two OJJDP-funded projects are fea-tured: the ACT Now program oper-ated by the Pima County Attorney’s Office in Arizona and the Truancy Reduction Demonstration Program, a partnership with the ... ... According to Rivers (2010), truancy affect many schools in urban areas and has been considered as a social problem associated with school dropout, misuse of substance, gang and criminal activities. According to Lehr et al. (2004), the problem of truancy becomes more intense as the children grow older. Some research also indicates that the ... May 29, 2015 · Research suggests classroom disengagement is an important determinant of student wellbeing and self-concept as well as validation seeking through risk-taking behaviours (Curcio et al., 2016 ... ... Truancy has been identified as a challenge among students in schools globally and in Nigeria in particular. Truancy is a student’s deliberate irregular attendance at school. Truancy among students includes lateness to school and class, leaving school before closing time, loitering, dodging lessons and absenteeism. ... "> no longer supports Internet Explorer.

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Truancy: The Concept, Causes, Types, Implications and Intervention Strategies for Students with Truancy

Profile image of Abdulrahman Isah Abubakar

Truancy among students become a growing problem. The truancy problem has been manifested in different forms. Some students deliberately refuse to attend the full days of school, some students may attend school but run away after break, while some students arrive at school after break. Likewise, there are some students who attend school and stay in the class for lessons that they have interest in but internationally refuse to stay in class for lessons that they do not have interest in due the teacher's hostile attitude or hatred of the subject. Also, there are some students who attend school but do not go to their classes at all. Therefore, this paper explained the concept of truancy, causes, types, implications and intervention strategies for students with truancy. Lastly, conclusion and recommendations were provided.

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The problems encountered in the field are still students who have truant behavior during class hours, do not attend school without information. This study describes the behavior of students who frequent truancy, the factors that cause truancy, the role of guidance and counseling teachers in overcoming truancy. Qualitative descriptive research method with the type of research field research. The data sources come from guidance and counseling teachers, subject teachers, and students. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study are: (1) the forms of behavior of students who often skip truancy in various ways, such as without permission, asking for permission to leave by pretending to be sick and often leaving during class hours, (2) the cause of truant students is influenced by factors internal and external. Internal factors, students are lazy in learning and prefer to watch YouTube and play games, lazy with subject teachers who are...

The study instigated the incidence of truancy among students and its influence on learning in the Dormaa Senior High School. A descriptive survey design was adopted in carrying out the study. The study population consisted of teachers, students, parents and opinion leaders in the study area. The simple random and purposive samplings were used in selecting respondents. A sample of 135, made up of 20 teachers and 100 students, 10 parents and 5 opinion leaders were selected to participate in the study. A set of questionnaires was designed and administered to the teachers and students. Documentary evidence from the class attendance register and students " report cards were used. In the case of the parents and opinion leaders, semi-structured interview schedules were developed and used to obtain their views. Descriptive statistics were used in presenting the quantitative data. The qualitative data were also presented thematically to support the quantitative data. The study revealed that the causes of truancy can be categorized into student related, family related and school related. Both teachers and students agreed that peer pressure is one of the causes of truancy. The study also showed that truancy brings about school drop-outs and affects students academic output. It was realized that most of the students who attended classes regularly performed better than their counterparts who absented themselves from classes on a regular basis. It was recommended among other things that all stakeholders should see to it that there are qualified counselors in all second cycle schools to assist students.

European of Social …, 2010

This article highlights some of the major research findings regarding the problem of school discipline such as truancy and demonstrates why it is important that schools and communities work to prevent and reduce absenteeism. Beside that this article demonstrated the types of truant and activities done during truant against academic achievement among the lower secondary students.. The respondents for this study were 80 students from form 1, 2 and 3. They were randomly chosen as respondents through simple random sampling. The data collected is analyzed by using the Statistical Package for Social Science for Windows (SPSS 11.5) to find the mean, frequency and standard deviation by using descriptive statistics. The findings showed that the causes of truant are at the medium level and types of truant are at the low level. Activities done during truant such as helping the family, joining the negative groups, crime are at the low level and working part-time together with loafing are at the medium level.

Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 2015

Truancy) is) deliberate) absence) from) school) on) the) part) of) learners) without) the) knowledge) and) consent) of) parents) or) absence) of) learners) from) school) for) which) no) reasonable) or) acceptable) excuse) is) given.)) Truancy) is) a) major) challenge) in) Kenyan) secondary) schools.) Truancy) may) have) adverse) affect) on) students,) the) school) and) the) society) at) large.)) The) purpose) of) this) study) was) to) establish) effects) and) the) possible) remedies) of) secondary) school) students') truancy) in) Meru) South) District,) Kenya.)) The) study)elicited)views)from)principals,)class)teachers,)counseling)teachers)and)form)two) students,)purposive)and)simple)random)sampling)method)was)used)to)select)298)Form) 2)students)8)Principal)))8)counseling)teachers)and)8)class)teachers.))Questionnaire)was) used)to)collect)data.))Data)was)analyzed)quantitatively)and)presented)using)frequency) distribution) table,) bar) charts) and) percentages.) The) study) identified) the)) effects) of) truancy)as)poor)academic)performance)for)the)truants,)their)class)and)school,)wastage) of)learning)time,))dropping)out)of)school,)poverty)to)the)individual)and)family)in)future,) involvement) in) delinquent) behavior,) family) instability,) social) maladjustment) and) insecurity)in)the)family.))The)suggestions)for)the)remedies)truancy)were)strengthening) of) peer,) joint,) group) and) individual) counseling) in) secondary) schools,) involving) parent) and) the) surrounding) school) community) in) developing) attendance) and) anti) truancy) policies,) effectively) monitoring) of) the) truants,) creating) a) friendly) school) culture,) developing) attractive) coRcurricular) activities,) holding) regular) motivation) talks,) organizing) career) guidance) right) from) when) students) are) in) Form) 1) and) helping) the) students)set)and)remain)focused)on)clear)goals)in)live.)

Journal of COEASU, 2004

Irregular attendance in school by stue!ents is one the major factors hat has been preventing the educational policies from attall7l17g Its objectives Despite conscious effol1s to eradicate this menace among learners the rate of its occurrence continue unabated. This paper is preoccupiee! vVlth a number of issues that have been foune! to sustain the increasing \tv'3ve of truancy in Institutions of learning in Nigeria The paper concluded that truancy would be reduced to Its IJearest minimum if government and non-government organizations. teachers anel guidance counsellors cooperatively Implement a number of practicable recommendations.

Abstract: Truancy is one of the problems affecting teaching and learning in our secondary schools these days. This study investigated the causes of truancy among public senior secondary school students in Azare metropolis of Bauchi state, Nigeria. Descriptive survey design was used and the sampled was 357 which were selected from the population of 5,219 by using disproportionate stratified random sampling technique. A questionnaire was used in the collection of data for this study and simple percentage and frequency were used in the analysis. The study found out that the causes of truancy emanating from the home of the students include helping parents in the household work, looking after young children in the house, lack of recognition by the parents etc. The study also found out that some causes of truancy which emanate from the children include low intelligence, weak physical health, social and emotional, maladjustment etc. It was also found out that some causes of truancy emanating from the school include fear of teachers, fear of school activities, difficulties of school subjects etc. Finally, the study recommended that well trained teachers are to be employed, guidance and counseling offices and counselors are to be available in schools, conducive atmosphere in schools should be provided, clubs and societies should be reactivated, sport and recreational activities should be provided and maintained by the schools. Key words: Truancy, Public Senior Secondary Schools, Students

Truancy is a serious concern that affects most school districts in the United States and its prevention has been reported as a national emergency although prevalence of truancy has been increased recently. Due to its unintended social, psychological, familial consequences, a special attention is needed. Two hundred 14 – 18 years old boy high school students of Yazd city enrolled in this comparative cross-sectional study. Sampling was done through random clustering method among 10328 boy students of Yazd city high school and the data were collected by a questionnaire consisted of two parts: part one was related to the individual's characteristics and part two was consisted of some factors related to truancy. The sample was studied in 2 separate groups of truants (101 cases) and non-truants (99 cases).Results: The average age of truancy was 16.81 ±0.96 in truants and 16.60±0.98 in non-truants. This study showed that the last year's grade average of the truants was significantly less than non-truants (P=0.002) and there was a significant correlation between the difficulty of school courses and fear of examinations (P=0.03), disappointment of poor results (P=0.007), academic failure (P=0.001), parental failure to address their child's education (P<0.001) and truancy; however, no significant correlation was found between inappropriate behaviour of school authorities, family conflicts, recreation and truancy. The difficulty of school courses, fear of examination and disappointment of study outcome, academic failure and parental failure to address their child's education are associated with truancy of boy students.

This study examines approaches to solve the problem of truancy among secondary school students in Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia. The study investigated school-based interventions, role of teachers and role of parent teachers' association in solving truancy. Descriptive survey research design was used where self-administered questionnaires were given to 100 teachers and 100 parents in five selected secondary schools within Kuala Terengganu district. The schools include: Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Kompleks Gong Badak, Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Ibrahim Fikri, Sekolah Menengah Agama Khairiah, Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Mengabang Telipot, and Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Bukit Besar. The data obtained was analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 19.0. Descriptive statistics was used to determine the mean, frequency, percentages and standard deviation of the respondents. The findings of the study indicated that school-based interventions have a positive impact in solving truancy. Role of teachers was also found to have a significant impact in solving truancy. However, based on the result, role of parent teachers' association was significant in solving the problem of students' truants' behaviour. Finally, recommendations were given to school administrators, teachers and parents.


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    According to Rivers (2010), truancy affect many schools in urban areas and has been considered as a social problem associated with school dropout, misuse of substance, gang and criminal activities. According to Lehr et al. (2004), the problem of truancy becomes more intense as the children grow older. Some research also indicates that the

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